Strategic Direction IV: Investing in Innovation and Excellence

The College of Pharmacy will maximize the abilities of our faculty and staff to transform the identity and culture of the College.

Strategic Goal 1: Development of our People
Develop our people through personalized holistic plans that foster excellence, leadership, diversity, inclusion, and over all well-being.

Strategic Goal 2: Engagement/Development/Fundraising
Capitalize on diverse opportunities for resource growth for all aspects of the College’s mission.

Strategic Goal 3: Quality Improvement
Develop and implement an enduring approach for process improvement.

Strategic Goal 4: Sustainability
Ensure long-term success and growth of the College by increasing revenues to advance our Mission.

Why Pharmacy at UGA?

Ranked 15th out of 141 pharmacy programs in the country by US News & World Report, UGA Pharmacy is at the top of its class. Learn more below:

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