The Department of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences (PBS) is an interdisciplinary program with basic science research spanning broad areas, including molecular pharmacology and pharmaceutics, drug discovery and delivery, protein engineering, and medicinal chemistry. It is one of two academic departments at UGA’s College of Pharmacy.

The PBS Department offers graduate programs culminating in a Master of Sciences (M.S.) as well as a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree. The programs provide world-class research and educational opportunities in pharmaceutical and biomedical science research with access to state-of-the-art equipment and facilities. The programs are offered in a comprehensive, hands-on atmosphere designed to train scientists who plan to work at the top of their profession.

At the undergraduate level, the PBS Department offers a B.S. program in Pharmaceutical Sciences. This degree offers hands-on career development in a classroom environment in which learning is delivered by outstanding faculty and complemented with real-world laboratory experiments. The B.S. can be coupled with other programs to generate exciting Double Dawg dual degree opportunities.

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Mailing Addresses

University of Georgia
College of Pharmacy
R.C. Wilson Pharmacy
250 West Green Street
Athens, GA 30602-2352

University of Georgia
College of Pharmacy
Pharmacy South
240 West Green Street
Athens, GA 30602-2352

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