Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy
Clinical Associate Professor
Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy
Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy
Critical Care Pharmacy Resident , Shands Teaching Hospital 1992
Doctor of Pharmacy , Purdue University 1988
B.S. Pharmacy , Purdue University 1983
Research Areas: Diabetes therapy in hospitalized patients
Opportunities for Collaboration: Diabetes and diabetes-related complications
2009 – UGA College of Pharmacy Teacher of the Year
1998 – Georgia Society of Health System Pharmacists Outstanding Pharmacy Practitioner Award
Diabetes therapy in hospitalized patients
Book Chapters
Southwood R. Iron Deficiency Anemia case. In: Schiwinghammer TL, Koehler JM. Pharmacotherapy Casebook: A Patient-Focused Approach. 9th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2017 In press.
Southwood R, Spruill W. Iron Deficiency Anemia case. In: Schiwinghammer TL, Koehler JM. Pharmacotherapy Casebook: A Patient-Focused Approach. 9th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2013.
Journal Articles
Huston S, Blount RL, Heidish T, Southwood R. Resilience, Emotion Processing and Emotion Expression among Youth with Type 1 Diabetes. Pediatric Diabetes, In Press. Accepted 12/15 and published online 1/2016.
Fleming VH, White B, Southwood RL. Resistance of E.coli isolates causing Urinary Tract Infections in Emergency Department-treated patients at a community hospital. American Journal of Emergency Medicine. Aug 2014; 32(8): 864-870.
Fleming V, Buck B, Mix N, Kumar P, Southwood R. Community Acquired Pneumonia with Multidrug Resistant Pathogens. Southern Medical Journal. 106(3):209-216, March 2013.
White B, Southwood R. Hypoglycemia in a patient with no history of diabetes. Journal of Pharmacy Practice,;
Recommendations for Training, Credentialing, and Documenting and Justifying Critical Care Pharmacy Services in Pharmacotherapy 2011; 31(8):135e–175e. Section author on “justifying critical care pharmacy services”.
Southwood RL. Have Clinical Studies Demonstrated Diabetes Prevention or Delay of Diabetes Through Early Treatment? American journal of therapeutics 01/2010; 17(2):201-9.
Southwood RL. What is the role of medications to facilitate the placement of nasoenteric feeding tubes? Support Line Volume XVIII(2); April 1996.
Southwood RL, Mueller BA, Copley B. Soft-tissue calcification, a case report. DICP –The Annals of Pharmacotherapy 1990;24:855-9.
Office: 706-542-0126
Campus Address
R.C. Wilson, Rm. 270-D
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College of Pharmacy
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