Mental Health First Aid is a 7.5-hour course that teaches participants how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance abuse disorders. The program teaches skills needed to provide initial help and support to someone who may be experiencing a crisis or developing a mental health or substance abuse problem.
The College of Pharmacy is offering the Mental Health First Aid course to students this semester, with plans to provide the program to faculty and staff later this summer. In addition, the course will be delivered to members of the Georgia Pharmacy Association this spring and summer. Dr. Andrew Darley, Director of Professional Education and Associate IPPE Director for Health Systems, and Dr. Blake Johnson, Clinical Assistant Professor, are the instructors for this course, which includes 2 hours of home-study and 5.5 hours of training. Participants are required to complete the home-study materials and assessment prior to the instructor-led training.
The information below provides details about the course offerings. Faculty and staff are urged to share this important health and wellbeing course information to students, as well as with fellow pharmacists, alumni, preceptors, and practitioners.
College of Pharmacy Students
Dr. Darley and Dr. Johnson are delivering the Mental Health First Aid training to PharmD students throughout spring semester. Available dates and times include:
- 3/14 and 3/28, 8-11AM; in person
- 3/16 and 3/30, 8-11AM; in person
- 3/17, 12-5PM; virtual
- 3/22 and 3/29, 3-6PM; in person
The cost of the training, valued at $170, is being covered by the UGA Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs. Email Dr. Johnson to receive an invitation to the Mental Health First Aid page. Once your profile is set-up, choose “Catalog” to the left of the home screen, and select the desired course date and time. Once a course fills, it will not be listed in the Catalog.
Georgia Pharmacy Association Members
Dr. Johnson will teach the Mental Health First Aid Training to members of GPhA. The Georgia Pharmacy Foundation is offering the $170 course to members for only $49. Available dates and times include:
Saturday, March 18, 2023*
9:00 am – 3:30 pm
UGA College of Pharmacy Southeast Georgia Clinical Campus
Register for the March 18 session
Saturday, April 22, 2023*
9:00 am – 3:30 pm
Virtual, via Zoom
Register for the April 22 session
Saturday, July 29, 2023
9:00 am – 3:30 pm
UGA Tifton Campus
Register for the July 29 session
*Registration is limited. Please choose your date carefully and plan to attend. For more information on the GPhA Mental Health First Aid Trainings can be found here. For more information on the overall training, contact Dr. Johnson.