PBS Research Seminar Series (Fall 2019)
Dr. Robert Botto, Defense Threat Reduction Agency, will present, "Medical, Bioengineering & Nanotechnology Solutions for Chemical and Biological Defense" on Wednesday, October 2, at 9:00 a.m. in R.C. Wilson, Rm.
PBS Research Seminar Series (Fall 2019)
Dr. Jeremy Mills, Arizona State University School of Molecular Sciences, will present, "Rational Design of Fluorescent Biosensors Using Non-Canonical Amino Acids" on Wednesday, October 9, at 9:00 a.m. in R.C.
Class Reunion Reception
Class Reunion Reception Akademia Brewing Company 150 Crane Drive, Athens GA For those celebrating a Class Reunion year, join us on Friday night to reconnect with classmates. Register for the
2019 Homecoming Tailgate & Class Reunions
Join your PharmDawg Phamily at the 2019 Homecoming Tailgate & Class Reunions (for graduation years ending in 4 & 9). Connect with classmates and help cheer on the Dawgs as
The University of Georgia College of Pharmacy and the American Pharmacists Association Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) present the 17th annual Pharmtoberfest Health Fair on Thursday, October 24, 2019, beginning
PBS Research Seminar Series (Fall 2019)
Dr. Bjoern Bauer, University of Kentucky, will present, "Novel Therapeutic Targets to Repair Blood-Brain Barrier Dysfunction in Epilepsy" on Wednesday, October 30, at 9:00 a.m. in R.C. Wilson, Rm. 120.
Medical Device Regulations Conference
The seventh annual Medical Device Regulations Conference will be held Nov. 6-7 at UGA’s Gwinnett campus in Lawrenceville. Sponsored by UGA College of Pharmacy's International Biomedical Regulatory Sciences program, along
PBS Research Seminar Series (Fall 2019)
Dr. John Clarke, Washington State University, will present, "Increasing the precision medicine: The importance of accounting for multifactorial pharmacokinetic iinteractions" on Wednesday, November 6, at 9:00 a.m. in R.C. Wilson,
PBS Research Seminar Series (Fall 2019)
Dr. Gregory Bix, Tulane University School of Medicine, will present, "Inflammation and the Blood-Brain Barrier: Novel Therapeutic Targets in Ischemic Stroke" on Wednesday, November 13, at 9:00 a.m. in R.C.
PBS Research Seminar Series (Fall 2019)
Dr. Zhihong Wang, University of the Sciences, will present, "Targeting the non-catalytic function of RAF kinases through inhibition of RAF dimerization" on Wednesday, November 20, at 9:00 a.m. in R.C.