Dean's Office
R.C. Wilson, Rm 101K
Office: 706-542-1914
Reporting to the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, the Dean serves as the College of Pharmacy’s primary organizational officer responsible for all faculty and student activities and academic business directed towards the successful completion of the mission of the College of Pharmacy. The Dean has responsibility for academic and development functions, personnel, general administration and management, and financial operations of the College.
The Dean’s Leadership Core is comprised of the Executive Committee, Faculty Council, and the Dean’s Senior Leadership Team.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee serves as an advisory committee to the Dean regarding matters of College policy and special initiatives. The committee reports and monitors ongoing activities and programs of the College including evaluating the Strategic Plan and administrative policies and procedures. The members of the Executive Committee include: The Dean, as Chair of the Committee; Department Heads and other Unit Administrators; Associate/Assistant Deans; Chair of Faculty Council; Chair of the Pharmacy Staff Representative Group and others appointed by the Dean.
Faculty Council
The function of Faculty Council is to facilitate shared governance of the College by serving as the elected voice of the faculty. Faculty Council’s main duties are to serve as an advisory council to the Dean and as a conduit of information exchange between the faculty and the Dean and/or college administration. The council’s list of functions can be found at this link.
Dean’s Senior Leadership Team
The Administration Team members have been appointed to administer specific functions of the College and serve at the discretion of the Dean. These positions include: (1) Associate and Assistant Deans, (2) Department Heads, and (3) other program administrators who may be appointed as Directors or Managers. Faculty and Staff administrators are appointed by and serve at the discretion of the Dean.
Associate Dean
Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences, Int'l Biomedical Regulatory Sciences and Clinical Trials Programs, Dean's Office
University Professor
Associate Dean for Science Education, Research and Technology
Interim Director, Center for Drug Discovery
R.C. Wilson, Rm 101F
Office: 706-542-5390
The Associate Dean for Science Education, Research and Technology maintains administration of all undergraduate and graduate education in the College outside the professional PharmD education and its related programs. In addition, the Associate Dean provides leadership for the College’s research program, including infrastructure, technology, lab safety and oversight of all of the College’s Centers and Institutes. The position also provides direction for technology venture and commercialization for technologies originating in the College for research educational purposes.
Assistant Deans
Student Affairs
Assistant Dean for Student Affairs
Pharmacy South, Rm 115F
Office: 706-542-7287
The Assistant Dean for Student Affairs is responsible for overseeing all aspects of student services and enrollment management for the College of Pharmacy across all campus locations. The Assistant Dean provides leadership and administration for academic planning and support, as well as academic advising for both professional and undergraduate students. Additionally, the Assistant Dean manages student success initiatives, scholarships, student professional organizations, and student-related events, programs, and activities at the state, regional, and national levels.
LORI J. DUKE, Pharm.D.
Experience Programs
Assistant Dean for Experience Programs
R.C. Wilson, Rm 150A
Office: 706-542-5315
The Assistant Dean for Experience Programs provides program and curricular administration for the introductory and advanced pharmacy practice programs in the PharmD program. These programs include experiences in providing direct patient care skills and knowledge in a variety of exposures including community practice, health system practice, ambulatory care, immunization delivery, indigent care, disaster preparedness, advocacy, acute medicine, outpatient medicine, and some non-patient care areas such as administration and nuclear pharmacy.
Dean's Office
Assistant Dean for Institutional Effectiveness and Strategic Initiatives
Director of Faculty Affairs
R.C. Wilson, Rm 101C
Office: 706-542-5316
The Assistant Dean for Institutional Effectiveness and Strategic Initiatives is responsible for assuring the ongoing effectiveness of the College through data stewardship and evaluation, accreditation, strategic planning, and assessment that advances instruction, research and service. The role also supports and advances teaching and assessment of student learning as a scholarly domain.
Additionally, Dr. Fulford serves as the Director of Faculty Affairs where he leads efforts to support the success of the faculty of all tracks and ranks within the College of Pharmacy. The primary areas of responsibility as Director include managing the College’s appointment, promotion, tenure and post-tenure processes; leading faculty professional development programs; liaising with the Office of Faculty Affairs; and coordinating College committees.
Department Heads
The academic departments at the College of Pharmacy are the Department of Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy (CAP) and the Department of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences (PBS). Department Heads are appointed according to the Statutes of the University of Georgia and hold office at the pleasure of the President.
The Department Head oversees the general direction of the work of the department. The Head is responsible for serving the department faculty, staff, and students, and ensuring that the work of their respective Department is in alignment with the mission of the College.
Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences
PBS Department Head
UGA Athletic Association Distinguished Professor in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Pharmacy South, Rm 450
Office: 706-542-3792
The PBS Department Head leads a department that provides the foundational science support for the College, including teaching at all levels, and the conduct of cutting-edge research in the pharmaceutical and biomedical sciences. The Department Head provides leadership and vision, overseeing the administration of all programs related to instruction, service, and research. By fostering a dynamic, collaborative atmosphere, the Department Head stimulates cutting-edge research programs and recruits and retains competitive faculty to enhance the department’s national and international profile.
Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy
Kroger Professor
Department Head
R.C. Wilson, Rm 270J
Office: 706-542-0720
The Department of Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy has three major components: Clinical Pharmacy, Clinical and Experimental Therapeutics, and Pharmaceutical Health Services, Outcomes, and Policy. Together, these components make up a diverse and thriving department with locations in Athens, Augusta, Albany and Savannah. The Department Head leads this robust department providing vision, and strategic planning, ensuring the administration of all departmental programs in instruction, research, service, and clinical outreach.
Program Administrators
Experience Programs
Director of Professional Education
Associate IPPE Director, Health System
R.C. Wilson, Rm 146
Office: 706-583-0223
The Director of Professional Education is the chief curricular officer for the PharmD program, overseeing its coordination and ensuring that its curricular philosophy, pedagogy, and delivery align with ACPE standards, the College’s strategic plan, mission, and contemporary pharmacy practice. Reporting directly to the Dean, the Director collaborates closely with leaders from various administrative units and departments responsible for supporting and delivering the PharmD program. This collaborative professional education leadership structure includes the following units/departments:
- Institutional Effectiveness and Strategic Initiatives
- Office of Student Affairs
- Department of Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy
- Department of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences
- Office of Experience Programs
Unit Directors
Business Affairs, Dean's Office
Director of Finance and Administration
R.C. Wilson, Rm 101D
Office: 706-542-3673
The Director of Finance and Administration is responsible for the overall leadership and management for the College’s financial and administrative operations across multiple campuses including financial planning and oversight, strategic business planning, resource allocation, internal controls, quality improvement, and human resources. The Director functions as the Dean’s primary advisor regarding financial and human resource matters.
Dean's Office
Administrative Manager II
R.C. Wilson, Rm 101M
Office: 706-542-4044
Reporting directly to the Dean of the College of Pharmacy, the Administrative Manager oversees a wide range of project-based initiatives in support and on behalf of the Dean’s Office, advancing and coordinating efforts to promote strategic priorities and the College’s mission. Additionally, the Manager oversees the daily operations of the Dean’s Office, including the staff management, ensuring timely execution of projects, initiatives, and special events.