The University of Georgia College of Pharmacy offers diverse types of scholarships to students (including merit-based, need-based and career-focused) annually to students enrolled in the Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) program who meet or exceed eligibility criteria. Scholarship applications for continuing Pharm.D. students must be submitted online each year. Recipients are notified in late summer that their awards will be applied to tuition and fees for the next academic year. Scholarship award amounts typically range from $2,000 to $5,000 and approximately 165 scholarships are awarded each year.

Requirements: Scholarships are competitive and the scholarship review committee considers the combination of factors such as financial need, grade point average, work experience, extra-curricular, leadership and service activities. Certain scholarships target students with an interest in community, independent and entrepreneurial pharmacy. In order to apply for need-based scholarships, students must have the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on file with the Office of Student Financial Aid for the fall semester, which demonstrates their “initial need”.

Scholarships are made possible through the generosity of donations from alumni and friends. We are proud to award over $520,000 in scholarships for 2024-2025 academic year. Please see this infographic for more information.

Contact: For specific questions about the scholarship application process, please contact Gloria Strait in the College of Pharmacy, Office of Student Affairs at or 706-542-8166.

Establish an Endowed Scholarship: If you are interested in establishing a scholarship, please visit this page for departmental contacts.

Scholarships Specific to UGA College of Pharmacy Pharm.D. Students

Jim and Kim Andrews Endowed Student Scholarship (Merit-based) – The purpose of the fund is to provide scholarship support for a PharmD student(s). First preference shall be given to Georgia residents who have been honorably discharged from the armed services and are considered to be underserved veterans who may need extra money to complete their studies and may be running out of GI bill benefits. If no one meets these criteria, the scholarship shall be open to all PharmD students.

Ralph and Sandra Balchin Scholarship (Community/Independent/Entrepreneurial Pharmacy-based) – This scholarship is awarded to students in the College of Pharmacy who are residents of Georgia, and who have exceeded their HOPE eligibility. Recipients must have a GPA of at least 3.0 and must have an interest in independent pharmacy.

Belcher Family Endowed Student Scholarship (Merit-based) – The annual recipients of the Belcher Family Endowed Student Scholarship are outstanding 3rd or 4th year students in the College of Pharmacy who have at least a 3.5 GPA. Recipients are U.S. citizens who are residents of the southwest area of Georgia. These individuals are involved in the College of Pharmacy program in southwest Georgia, are excellent communicators who are free from dishonesty and hypocrisy, and who have genuine affection for people. They possess an excellent bedside manner that relates a positive attitude and professional conduct toward patients.

Max and Molly Blank Student Enrichment Endowment (Need-based) – The Molly and Max Blank Scholarship will serve to help alleviate the financial burdens that may impede students from entering or completing their studies at the UGA College of Pharmacy. All UGA College of Pharmacy students (undergraduate, graduate and PharmD) with financial need are eligible to apply.

Beth Goldman Block Memorial Scholarship (Merit-based) – The Beth Goldman Block Memorial Scholarship is awarded to outstanding Pharmacy students in their 3rd year for the final two semesters in the College of Pharmacy. Recipients display excellence in academics and possess a high moral character.

Pamela R. Bramlett Endowed Scholarship (Need-based) – The purpose of the fund is to establish a scholarship within the College of Pharmacy based on financial need as determined by the OSFA, and shall include students with a “C” average or better.

Broadrick Family Endowed Student Scholarship (Merit-based) – The annual recipients of the Broadrick Family Endowed Student Scholarship are 3rd or 4th year students in the College of Pharmacy who are outgoing, well rounded, active in professional student associations, and engaged in volunteering in the practice of Pharmacy.

Tommy and Patsy Bryan Independent Pharmacy Scholarship (Community/Independent/Entrepreneurial Pharmacy-based) – The Tommy and Patsy Bryan Independent Pharmacy Scholarship is awarded to 2nd, 3rd or 4th year students in the College of Pharmacy who are residents of Georgia and who have a great desire to practice Independent Pharmacy.

Ron J. Burnette Endowed Student Scholarship (Geographic-based) – Provides scholarship support to a deserving student(s) who has an interest in pharmacy informatics; however, primary consideration shall be need based, as determined by OSFA. All other factors equal, preference to residents of North Georgia.

Donald E. and Cecelia V. Cadwallader Endowed Scholarship (Merit-based) – This scholarship is awarded to students in the College of Pharmacy. Preference for this award will be given to students who are single parents enrolled in the PharmD or the graduate programs.

Ron Cain Endowed Student Scholarship in Pharmacy (Community/Independent/Entrepreneurial Based) – The purpose of the fund is to provide support to a student(s) in the College of Pharmacy who exhibits an entrepreneurial spirit and a desire to own their own pharmacy business. Recipient(s) should be in their second, third, or fourth year and must demonstrate financial need, as determined by the University of Georgia Office of Student Financial Aid.

Cardinal Health Endowed Student Scholarship (Community/Independent/Entrepreneurial Pharmacy-based) – The purpose of the fund is to provide annual scholarship support for students in the College of Pharmacy. Recipient should have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher and must be interested in pursuing a career in community pharmacy, especially independent ownership.

Senator Buddy Carter Distinguished Leadership Endowment (Merit-based) – This scholarship was established to help fashion future advocates in the public arena for pharmacy. Recipients are 2nd, 3rd, and/or 4th year students in the College of Pharmacy who have shown a desire and interest in public service and who exhibit strong leadership qualities and capabilities.

Hugh and Tina Chancy Leadership Endowment (Community/Independent/Entrepreneurial Pharmacy-based) – The purpose of the Fund is to provide support to the College. One provision of the Fund is to provide scholarship support for a student(s) in the College. Recipients should have a vested interest in the practice of community pharmacy, especially drugstore ownership, and must have integrity, honesty, and exhibit a standard of high morals.

Chapman Family Endowed Student Scholarship (Merit-based) – The purpose of the fund is to establish a scholarship within the College of Pharmacy who maintain at least a “C” average and must exhibit excellent morals and character with high standards representing the profession of pharmacy.

Henry H. Cobb “Doing a Fine Job” Award Fund (Merit-based) – The purpose of the Fund is to provide an award(s) to a student(s) in the College.

David and Jane Chu Endowed Student Scholarship (Merit-based) – The purpose of the Fund is to provide scholarship support for a student(s) in the College of Pharmacy (“College”) with a good vision for pharmacy; minimum 3.0 grade point average; and 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year student at the College, including the B.S. program in Pharmaceutical Sciences.

CVS Scholarship (Merit-based) – This scholarship is awarded to a student in good academic standing and interested in a career in community pharmacy practice and who intern/volunteer their time with an organization that supports underserved populations. Preference is given to students who are bilingual. Students are selected regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation or national origin.

College of Pharmacy Faculty Scholarship (Merit-based) – This scholarship is awarded to a student who demonstrates academic achievement, professional integrity and leadership qualities.

William Gary Cunningham Endowed Student Scholarship (Geographic-based) – The purpose of the Fund is to provide scholarship support for a student in the College. Recipients shall maintain a grade point average of 2.5 or higher and be from PGY1 through PGY4. First preference shall be given to students from Houston County, Georgia with an interest in hospital pharmacy.

Sharon B. Deason Endowed Student Scholarship (Need-based) – Awarded to 3rd and/or 4th year students in the College of Pharmacy who are Georgia residents, who are involved in community pharmacy programs, and who have a demonstrated financial need as determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid.

Ken and Angela Delay Endowed Student Scholarship in Pharmacy (Community/Independent/Entrepreneurial Pharmacy-based) – The purpose of the Fund is to provide scholarship support to a student(s) in the College of Pharmacy who exhibits a strong desire to practice pharmacy in a community independent drugstore. Recipient(s) can be in their first, second, third, or fourth year and must maintain a grade point average of at least 3.0.

Joseph T. and Cecily R. DiPiro Pharmacy Scholarship Fund (Merit-based) – The purpose of the Fund is to provide scholarship support for P1-P4 students in the College of Pharmacy (“College”).  A grade point average of 3.5 is required for P1 recipients and recommended for P2-P4 recipients.  First preference shall be given to students who are identified as leaders in Pharmacy P2-P4.  This scholarship may be used for recruiting purposes for incoming P1 students.

Ferrell “Al” Dixon, Jr., Endowed Student Scholarship (Geographic-based) – This scholarship is awarded annually to students in the College of Pharmacy who are residents from the Georgia Coastal area with at least a “B” average and who have a great desire to practice community pharmacy.

J. Ashley and Jill R. Dukes Scholarship (Geographic-based) – The J. Ashley and Jill R. Dukes Scholarship is awarded to a student(s) in the College of Pharmacy who has an interest in independent pharmacy. First preference shall be given to students from Jesup, Georgia. Second preference shall be given to students from the following Georgia counties: Wayne, Chatham, Ware, Glynn and Appling.

Mike Ellington Memorial Scholarship (Merit-based) – This scholarship is awarded annually to 4th year students in the College of Pharmacy who have a “C” average or better and who have exhibited outstanding community service.

Ethridge/Kosater Endowed Student Scholarship (Need-based) – This scholarship is awarded annually to 4th year students in the College of Pharmacy who are residents of Georgia and who have exhausted their HOPE scholarship funds due to their exceeding the credit hour limit of the award. Recipients must have a great interest in Pharmacy Benefit Management.

Evans Family Endowed Student Scholarship (Geographic-based) – The purpose of the Fund is to provide scholarship support for a PharmD student(s) in the College who is in his or her 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year.  First preference shall be given to students residing in Rome, Georgia.  Second preference should be given to students residing in northwest Georgia in the following counties:  Floyd, Bartow, Gordon, and Polk.

Kwaku M. Fenin Endowed Student Scholarship (Need-based) – The Kwaku M. Fenin Endowed Student Scholarship is awarded annually to 2nd year students in the College of Pharmacy who have an interest in Retail Pharmacy and who demonstrate financial need as determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid.

Heidi Flye (Kroger) Memorial Scholarship (Merit-based) – This memorial scholarship is awarded to a student who is a current Kroger employee.

Jim Furman Student Scholarship (Merit-based) – The recipients of the Jim Furman Student Scholarship are students in the College of Pharmacy who are persons of integrity and who exhibit good moral and ethical values, not excluding spirituality as part of their value system.

Gayco Healthcare Endowed Student Scholarship (Geographic-based) – The purpose of the Fund is to provide scholarship support for a PharmD student(s). First preference will be given to residents of Laurens County.  If such a student is not available, second preference will be given to residents of the surrounding counties within Middle Georgia, including Bibb, Bleckley, Crawford, Dodge, Dooly, Houston, Jones, Monroe, Peach, Pulaski, Twiggs and Wilkinson.

Georgia Pharmacy Foundation – Regina Baird Scholarship (Need-based) – Awarded annually to two student pharmacists from each of Georgia’s pharmacy schools; the current award is $1,500 each. Scholarship criteria: full-time P2 and P3 student pharmacists, academic achievement, community/extracurricular involvement, leadership ability, member of ASP/GPhA, plans to practice pharmacy in Georgia upon graduation, financial need.

Georgia Pharmacy Foundation – Carlton Henderson Scholarship (Need-based) – Awarded annually to one student pharmacist from each of Georgia’s pharmacy schools; the current award is $1,500 each. Scholarship criteria: full-time P2 and P3 student pharmacists, academic achievement, community/extracurricular involvement, leadership ability, member of ASP/GPhA, plans to practice pharmacy in Georgia upon graduation, financial need.

Georgia Pharmacy Foundation – Neil L. Pruitt, Sr., Entrepreneurial Scholarship (Need-based) – Awarded annually to one student pharmacist from each of Georgia’s pharmacy schools; the current award is $1,500 each. Scholarship criteria: full-time P2 and P3 student pharmacists, academic achievement, community/extracurricular involvement, leadership ability, member of ASP/GPhA, plans to practice pharmacy in Georgia upon graduation, financial need.

Georgia Society of Health-System Pharmacists (Need-based) – This scholarship is awarded to a student in the College of Pharmacy who is a member of GSHP, a Georgia resident, academic achievement, leadership potential and has a financial need as determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid.

Tim and Ann Hansford Specialty Pharmacy Scholarship (Merit-based) – The recipients of this scholarship must have an interest in home infusion, hospital, long term care, or assisted living pharmacy and be in their second, third, or fourth year of study, must have a minimum “C” average, and be active within pharmacy organizations such as GSHP, APHA, NCPA, GPHA, etc. First preference is to award the scholarship to a student who resides in Georgia.

Gloria Pike Harbuck Student Award (Merit-based) – The purpose of the fund is to recognize a student at the College of Pharmacy who demonstrates a passion for community service and outreach, with first priority given to a member of Lambda Kappa Sigma (LKS), an international, professional pharmacy fraternity.

Buddy & Linda Harden (Merit-based) – The purpose of the Fund is to provide scholarship support for PharmD student(s). The focus of the scholarship is to support emerging leaders with an interest in public service.

Harveys Supermarket Pharmacy Endowed Scholarship (Geographic-based) – Awarded annually to 3rd or 4th year students in the College of Pharmacy who are residents from South Georgia and who have a great desire to practice community pharmacy.

Herbert W. Hatton Endowed Scholarship (Need-based) – To be eligible for the Herbert W. Hatton Endowed Scholarship, the recipient should be a second-year student in the College program who has maintained a 3.0 GPA, and has a financial need as determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid.

Renee McDonald Hay and David Hay Scholarship (Merit-based) – The purpose of the fund is to provide scholarship support for students in the College who have an interest in retail pharmacy. Recipients shall be in their second, third, or fourth year of the Pharmacy program.

Charles R. Herrin, Jr., Memorial Scholarship (Merit-based) – Established in memory of Charles R. Herrin, this scholarship provides support for 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year students in the College of Pharmacy who are professional, courteous, and of high character. Recipients should also exhibit leadership qualities.

J. Michael and Marilyn L. Hiott Student Award (Merit-based) – The purpose of the Fund is to provide an award for students in the College. Recipients can be in their 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year of study and must maintain a grade point average of 3.0 or higher. Preference shall be given to students with an interest in Society of Health Systems pharmacy, but the award should not be solely limited to this area of practice.

Ernie Hunter Memorial Scholarship (Merit-based) – This fund is for a pharmacy student who has served in either the Air Force, Marines, Navy or Army. They must have left the Armed Forces in good standing (i.e., retired, honorable discharge, etc.)

Ferman Jay Endowed Student Scholarship (Community/Independent/Entrepreneurial Pharmacy-based) – The purpose of the fund is to award an annual scholarship to a student(s) in the College of Pharmacy who has a great desire to practice community pharmacy.

Leslie and Rondell Jaggers Endowed Student Scholarship (Geographic-based) – The purpose of the fund is to provide scholarship support for students in the College of Pharmacy. Recipients can be in their 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th year of study, shall maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher, and should have an affinity for health-system pharmacy. Preference shall be given to students residing within a thirty (30) mile radius of Savannah proper.

Dione Mavis Johnston Scholarship of Excellence (Merit-based) – Awarded to an outstanding woman pharmacy student in her 3rd year for her final three quarters in the College of Pharmacy. Recipients are of a high character and display excellence in academics combined with achievement in other areas.

Albert W. Jowdy Scholarship (Merit-based) – The Albert W. Jowdy Scholarship was established to provide scholarships to Pharmacy students in the professional degree program.

Millicent McKendry Jowdy Endowed Student Scholarship (Merit-based) – The purpose of the Fund is to establish a student scholarship(s) within the College of Pharmacy.  The recipient(s) of the scholarship must be in their second, third, or fourth year of study and be a person of character and integrity.

Jun Family Achievement Scholarship (Merit-based) – The Jun Family Achievement Scholarship is awarded annually to students in the College of Pharmacy who are of Asian descent; however, the award is not limited to this population group.

Kaiser Permanente Pharmacy Scholarship (Need-based) – This scholarship is awarded annually to students who are committed to the improvement of the health of their community and who demonstrate a need for financial assistance as determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid.

Randy King Memorial Scholarship Fund (Need-based) – The purpose of the Fund is to provide scholarship support for a PharmD student(s) in the College of Pharmacy (“College”) who has financial need, as determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid.

Kmart Corporation Scholarship (Community/Independent/Entrepreneurial Pharmacy-based) – The purpose is to provide a scholarship to a student in the College of Pharmacy. The recipient must be a full-time student in their first, second, or third year, and be in good standing, with a GPA of 2.0 or better, and must have an interest in or be currently employed in community pharmacy.

Knight Student Scholarship (Geographic-based) – The purpose of the Fund is to provide scholarship support for a PharmD student(s).  First preference shall be given to South Georgia residents.

Kroger Endowed Student Scholarship (Community/Independent/Entrepreneurial Pharmacy-based) – The annual recipients of the Kroger Endowed Student Scholarship are 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year students in the College of Pharmacy who maintain at least a “C” average. Recipients have a great interest in the practice of community pharmacy—particularly in the retail sector—and exhibit a high level of character through moral and ethical conduct.

Lake Family Scholarship (Need-based) – The recipients of the Lake Family Scholarship are 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year students in the College of Pharmacy who exhibit high moral standards, character with leadership qualities, and have a professional appearance modeling values of a pharmacist. Recipients of this award must also demonstrate financial need as determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid.

David K. Leitch Endowed Student Scholarship (Community/Independent/Entrepreneurial Pharmacy-based) – The purpose of the Fund is to provide a scholarship for a student(s) in their second, third or fourth year in the College of Pharmacy. The recipient should have a great interest in community pharmacy practice and exhibit a sense of loyalty to the pharmacy profession, the College and patients. The Scholarship Committee will identify a student(s) that has a great entrepreneurial spirit and has proven their ability to be innovative.

Robert E. Long (Kroger) Memorial Scholarship (Merit-based) – This fund was established in memory of Robert E. Long and is awarded to a student who is a current Kroger employee.

Reagan Roland Lykins Memorial Scholarship (Merit-based) – The purpose of this fund is to commemorate the spirit and determination as well as the academic achievement of Reagan Roland Lykins. The scholarship will be used to benefit the student in his/her second year of pharmacy. The recipient must have a 3.0 GPA or more.

Andre Mackey Scholarship Fund (Need-based) – The recipient of the Andre Mackey Scholarship Fund must be interested in community pharmacy, involved in professional and/or student organizations, and must be employed at least part time during the semester for which they apply for the scholarship, preferably in a position that prepares them for a pharmacy career. All else being equal, recipients will be selected based on financial need as determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid at the University of Georgia.

Jonathan and Pam Marquess Endowed Student Scholarship (Community/Independent/Entrepreneurial Pharmacy-based) – The purpose of the Fund is to provide scholarship support to a Pharm D student(s).  Preference should be given to a student(s) who exhibits a great interest in independent pharmacy ownership.  Students are to be involved in student or professional organizations while attending school and are also to be involved in community service projects.  The scholarship can also be opened up to students who have the desire to practice community pharmacy.

Josh and Rachel Marshall Endowed Student Scholarship (Need-based) – The purpose of the Fund is to establish a scholarship for a third-year student(s) within the College of Pharmacy enrolled in the Augusta program.  Preference shall be given to a student(s) who has earned a previous degree. If there is no candidate(s) that meets the above criteria, then the scholarship shall be given to a student(s) based on financial need as determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid, including but not limited to exhaustion of HOPE eligibility.

Amy and Glenn Morgan Endowed Student Scholarship (Need-based) – Awarded to students in the College of Pharmacy who demonstrate financial need as determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid, including but not limited to the exhaustion of HOPE eligibility. Preference is given to those students who have completed their pre-pharmacy curriculum outside of the Athens campus of UGA and who maintain a paying job, with no priority resulting from employment hours worked over a particular interval.

Murphy Family Scholarship (Merit-based) – The purpose of the fund is to provide scholarship support for students in the College. Recipients must have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher and must demonstrate interest in hospital or health-system pharmacy.

William F. “Dobby” Nathaniel Distinguished Student Scholarship (Need-based) – The annual recipients of the William F. “Dobby” Nathaniel Distinguished Student Scholarship are students in the College of Pharmacy who possess good morals, high standards, and financial need (as determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid).

Jay Kimsey Neal Scholarship (Merit-based) – The purpose of the fund is to provide scholarship support for students in the College in memory of Jay Kimsey Neal, late son of Joan Burkes Neal.

Northwest Georgia Pharmacist Association Fund (Geographic-based) – The Northwest Georgia Pharmacist Association Fund provides scholarships to students in the College of Pharmacy who are from Catoosa, Dade, Chattooga, or Walker Counties in the state of Georgia who exhibit outstanding academic achievement and who are active members and participants in pharmacy organizations and other extracurricular activities.  If all factors are equal based on these criteria, the final selection will be based on financial need as determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid. If in a given academic year, there are no eligible students from one of the four designated counties, then no scholarship will be awarded.

Wayne C. Olson Scholarship (Need-based) – The Wayne C. Olson Scholarship was established to provide support for deserving students within the College of Pharmacy based on financial need. In order to qualify for the Wayne C. Olson Scholarship, applicants must demonstrate financial need as determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid.

Amy A. Panter Memorial Scholarship (Need-based) – The recipient of the Amy A. Panter Memorial Scholarship may be a 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year student in the College of Pharmacy and must demonstrate financial need as determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid.

W. Allen and Helen Low Partridge Endowed Student Scholarship (Community/Independent/Entrepreneurial Pharmacy-based) – The recipient(s) must be in their second, third, or fourth year of study, have a great interest in practicing independent community pharmacy and maintain at least a “B” (3.0) GPA.

Jinki Patel Foundation Scholarship (Merit-based) – The purpose of this fund is to provide scholarship support for a student(s) in the College of Pharmacy. Recipient must maintain a grade point average of 3.4 or higher.

Doris C. Pease Endowment (Need-based) – The purpose of the Fund is to provide support for students in the College who have financial need, as determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid at the University of Georgia. Support shall include, but not be limited to, awards, travel, and other related expenses in support of students.

Fred M. Peterson, MD, Student Scholarship (Merit-based) – This scholarship is awarded to 2nd, 3rd, and/or 4th year students in the College of Pharmacy who have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and who have an interest in pursuing an unconventional career path beyond pharmacy school. This does not necessarily suggest that potential candidates must go to medical school; however, they must express a career interest in an area other than independent, chain drugstore, or hospital pharmacy.

Brad G. and Beth B. Phillips Student Development Scholarship (Merit-based) – Awarded to students in the College of Pharmacy who have a great interest in residency training and who have at least a 3.25 GPA. To be considered for the Student Development Scholarship for Residency Training, applicants must be recommended by a faculty member in the College of Pharmacy.

Whitney Bunting Pickett Endowed Student Scholarship Fund (Geographic-based) – The purpose of the Fund is to provide scholarship support for a PharmD student(s) in good academic standing who is involved in organization membership, other extra-curricular activities, and community service. He or she should also exhibit good leadership skills. Preference shall be given for students who wish to practice in a hospital or other organized health care setting. Preference shall also be given to residents of Richmond County in the state of Georgia, and open to all others thereafter.

Publix Super Markets Charities Scholarship (Community/Independent/Entrepreneurial Pharmacy-based) – This scholarship was established in 1966 by George W. Jenkins, founder of Publix, and is awarded to students who demonstrate an interest in a career in a community pharmacy practice.

Steven and Kara Purvis Endowed Student Scholarship (Need-based) – The purpose of the Fund is to provide scholarship support for a PharmD student(s) with financial need, as determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid at the University of Georgia (“University”), who is in his or her 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year of study.  First preference shall be given to residents of a rural area/urban cluster, described by the United States Census Bureau as being an area of at least 2,500 and less than 50,000 people.  Applicants should have an affinity for returning to a rural area after college.

Rite Aid Endowed Student Scholarship (Need-based) – The recipient(s) of the Rite Aid Endowed Student Scholarship must have a minimum GPA 2.75 and demonstrate financial need (as determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid). The recipient(s) will possess proven leadership skills, have pharmacy experience, and have an interest practicing community pharmacy.

Sonny and Ben Ross Endowed Scholarship (Geographic-based) – The purpose of the Fund is to provide scholarship support for a PharmD student(s), in his or her 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year, who has a great interest in the practice of community pharmacy. Recipients should have good moral character. First preference shall be given to residents of the following cities in the state of Georgia: Sylvania, Statesboro, and Jesup. If no students meet the above criteria, the scholarship can be opened up to other areas in the state of Georgia.

Rob and Courtnee Russ Endowed Student Scholarship (Merit-based) This scholarship is awarded to a single or married student(s) with a child or children, who were born in the state of Georgia and is considered a Georgia citizen as determined by the Registrar’s Office.

Dr. Brian Seagraves Endowment for Distinguished Community Service (Merit-based) – The purpose of the Fund is to provide support for P1-P4 students in the College, with preference for students who have demonstrated community service. Preference shall also be given to members of Kappa Psi. Support shall include, but not be limited to, day-to-day operations in the life of a student, recruiting efforts, awards, and any other related expenses deemed appropriate by the Dean of the College. A 3.5 grade point average is required for Pl award recipients and recommended for P2-P4 award recipients.

Charles C. and Jackie Sherwood Endowed Student (Community/Independent/Entrepreneurial Pharmacy-based) – The purpose of the Fund is to provide scholarship support for a PharmD student(s) in his or her 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year of professional study. Applicants should have a “C” average or higher and should have an entrepreneurial spirit inclined toward Pharmacy Business ownership.

Charles C. and Jackie Sherwood Study Abroad Endowment (Community/Independent/Entrepreneurial Pharmacy-based) – The purpose of the Fund is to provide study abroad support for a PharmD student(s) in his or her 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year of professional study. Applicants should have a “C” average or higher and should have an entrepreneurial spirit inclined toward Pharmacy Business ownership.

Kelly M. Smith Women’s Leadership Scholarship (Merit-based) – The purpose of the fund is to provide scholarship support for any PharmD student(s), regardless of gender, dedicated to advancing women’s leadership in the field of pharmacy.

Solomons Family Endowed Student Scholarship (Geographic-based) – The recipient(s) of the Solomons Family Endowed Student Scholarship must be in their second, third or fourth year; have a “C” average or higher; and reside in Savannah, Georgia or one of the surrounding counties: Appling, Augusta-Richmond, Bacon, Baldwin, Brantley, Bryan, Bulloch, Burke, Camden, Candler, Charlton, Clarke, Clinch, Coffee, Columbia, Dodge, Effingham, Emanuel, Evans, Glynn, Jeff Davis, Jenkins, Laurens, Liberty, Long, McIntosh, Montgomery, Pierce, Richmond, Screven, Tattnall, Telfair, Toombs, Treutlen, Ware, Wayne and Wheeler.

Southeastern Society of Health-System Pharmacists Scholarship (Merit-based) – Awarded to 2nd, 3rd, and/or 4th year students in the College of Pharmacy who are in good academic standing within the College.

Rick and Robbin St. John Endowed Scholarship – The recipients of the Rick and Robbin St. John Endowed Scholarship are 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year students in the College of Pharmacy who have an interest in institutional or hospital pharmacy.  If there is no candidate that meets the above criteria, the Scholarship Committee may use their discretion to award this scholarship to deserving students in the College.

Dana E. Strickland Endowed Student Scholarship (Geographic-based) – The purpose of the fund is to provide scholarship support to a student(s) in the College of Pharmacy who has a great interest in community pharmacy, pharmaceutical industry, or pharmacy external affairs. First preference shall be given to students from Jesup, Georgia. Second preference shall be given to students from Wayne County, Georgia. Third preference shall be given to students from Clarke County, Georgia. The recipient(s) should exhibit great moral character and have outstanding integrity. It is preferred that students receive this scholarship in their 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year of study. If no students are available from these areas, then the scholarship will be open to other candidates. Selection will be made by the College’s scholarship committee.

Dennis and Sindy Strickland Endowed Student Scholarship (Geographic-based) The purpose of the Fund is to provide scholarship support for a PharmD student(s) with great interest in community pharmacy and especially independent operations.  First preference shall be given to residents of the following Georgia counties:  Tattnall, Evans, Toombs, Bulloch, Appling, and Wayne.  If no students can be identified from the above counties, the scholarship can then be opened up to residents of the remainder of the southeastern section of Georgia.

John H. Taylor, Jr., Student Scholarship (Merit-based) – The recipients of this scholarship are 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year students in the College of Pharmacy who have a minimum of a “C” average. The recipients of this award demonstrate good character, are involved in professional organizations, and have a caring personality involving patients.

Adetoun (Rita) Thompson Annual Memorial Scholarship (Need-based) – This memorial scholarship is awarded to a pharmacy student of Afro-American heritage, with a GPA of 2.75 or better, and who has a financial need as determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid.

Robert I. and Angela M. Thompson Endowed Student Scholarship (Need-based) – Awarded to 3rd and/or 4th year students in the College of Pharmacy. The recipient must have a minimum GPA of 3.0, demonstrate financial need as determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid, have an interest in practicing in a community setting, demonstrate strong interpersonal skills, a solid work ethic and be active in service to others.

Michelle E. Turner Pharm.D. Memorial Scholarship (Merit-based) – The recipients are students in the College of Pharmacy who are persons of integrity, who possess an excellent work ethic, and who have a strong desire to succeed in the profession of Pharmacy, who exhibits good moral and ethical values, not excluding spirituality as part of their value system.  It is preferred that priority be given to a student employed by or rotating through the Northside Hospital Pharmacy System, with second priority given to a student employed by or rotating through a hospital pharmacy system in general.

William E. (Bill) Wade Endowed Student Scholarship (Community/Independent/Entrepreneurial Pharmacy-based) – The purpose of the fund is to provide scholarship support for a PharmD student(s) in the College with an interest in community pharmacy and academic pharmacy. Recipient(s) shall exhibit excellent moral character, be spiritually minded, honest, and have integrity. Preference shall be given to 2nd, 3rd or 4th, year students who have previously demonstrated to the faculty and scholarship committee that they exhibit the above criteria.

Wal-Mart Student Scholarship (Community/Independent/Entrepreneurial Pharmacy-based) – The recipients of this scholarship are 2nd, 3rd or 4th year students in the College of Pharmacy with a minimum GPA of 3.0 who possess leadership qualities demonstrated through their service to others, leading by example, and being respectful. Applicants must have strong communication skills and must have an interest in Community Pharmacy.

Trina Johnson von Waldner Student Scholarship (Merit-based) – The purpose of the Fund is to provide scholarship support to a P3 or P4 student(s) in the College. Second priority should be given to student(s) that have an interest in the public health sector of pharmacy practice. Also, student(s) should have an interest and participate in service learning activities while in school that reach under-served populations.

Walgreens Diversity and Inclusion Excellence Award (Merit-based) – This scholarship is awarded to a single student who embraces diversity and promotes diversity and inclusion initiatives on campus

Walgreens Diversity Scholarship (Merit-based) – This scholarship is awarded to one or more student(s) of an underrepresented minority group with an interest in community pharmacy.

Kenneth M. Ward Endowed Memorial Scholarship (Merit-based) – The annual recipients of this scholarship are students in the College of Pharmacy who maintain at least a “C” average and who exhibit a high level of character.

Grace Waters Endowed Student Scholarship (Merit-based) – The recipients of this scholarship are 2nd, 3rd, and/or 4th year students in the College of Pharmacy who have a “B” average or better and who are of great character, have a high level of motivation, exhibit high morals, and be a person of good judgment.

Grace and Kenneth L. Waters Scholarship (Merit-based) – The recipients of the Grace and Kenneth L. Waters Scholarship should be of great character, have a high level of motivation, exhibit high morals and be a person of good judgment. Students must have a “B” average or better while attending the College.

Jake and Willa Weathersby Scholarship (Geographic-based) – The Jake and Willa Weathersby Scholarship is awarded to students in the College of Pharmacy from the Savannah area who have been involved in community service and outreach.  If all factors are equal or if there is no eligible recipient based on these criteria, the final selection will be based on financial need as determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid.

Lee Webb, III Scholarship (Merit-based) – The purpose of the Fund is to support scholarships for pharmacy students in the professional curriculum in honor of Lee Webb, III.

Kevin and Tanya Woody Student Scholarship (Merit-based) – The recipient(s) of the Kevin and Tanya Woody Student Scholarship must maintain a 2.5 GPA and be spiritual.

Michael Wooten PharmD/MBA Endowed Scholarship (Need-based) – The purpose of the Fund is to provide a scholarship(s) to a student(s) enrolled in the PharmD/MBA programs. Criteria should be based solely on financial need as determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid at the University of Georgia.

William T. “Billy’ Wolfe Student Scholarship (Need-based) – The purpose of the fund is to provide a scholarship(s) to a student(s) in the College of Pharmacy based solely on financial need as determined by the OFSA.

James L. Youngblood Scholarship (Merit-based) – The purpose of the fund is to provide scholarship(s) for Pharmacy students.

Rick and Robbin St. John Endowed Scholarship (Merit-based) The purpose of the Fund is to establish a scholarship for a student(s) within the College of Pharmacy. The recipient(s) should be in their 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year and have an interest in institutional or hospital pharmacy. If there is no candidate that meets the above criteria the Committee may use their discretion to award this scholarship to a deserving student(s) within the College.

Sceals-Warnock Endowed Student Scholarship (Need-based) – The purpose of the Fund is to provide support for a student(s) and/or student group(s) in the College interested in a pharmacy practice focused on geriatric patients. In cases where all other factors are equal, preference may be given to a student(s) from the state of Georgia.

Dean and Krista Stone Emerging Pharmacy Leader Scholarship (Merit-based) – The purpose of the Fund is to provide scholarship support(s) for a PharmD student(s) in the College of Pharmacy. Preference shall be given to students who display one or more of the following: leadership qualities, strong community focus, civic leadership at the state or federal level groups in pharmacy, and/or patient wellness/compounding prowess.

Donna Sikes Jones Pharmacy Scholarship (Need-based) – The purpose of the Fund is to provide need-based scholarship support for PharmD students in the College of Pharmacy.

College of Pharmacy Class of 1962 Scholarship (Need-based) – The purpose of the Fund is to provide need-based scholarship support for PharmD students in the College of Pharmacy. Financial need shall be determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid.

Dr. Kisha Christian Scholarship (Need-based) – The purpose of the Fund is to provide need-based scholarship support. Financial need shall be determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid at the University for a PharmD student(s) who is interested in community pharmacy and is active in their community. Recipients shall meet one or more of the following: exhibit a dedication to racial equality, demonstrate an interest in serving underrepresented minority or ethnic groups, or demonstrate achievement and determination in the face of challenging social, economic, educational, cultural, or other life circumstances. Recipients should also demonstrate a commitment to furthering the advancement of women in the field of Pharmacy.

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