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PBS Research Seminar Series (Spring 2019)

Kendall Stephen Hunter, Ph.D., University of Colorado, Denver, will present, "Novel Imaging Techniques for Clinical Diagnosis & Treatment of Pulmonary Vascular Diseases: Gaps & Opportunities" on Wednesday, April 3, at

PBS Research Seminar Series (Spring 2019)

Ph.D. students Mital Patel and Lishann Ingram will present their respective seminars, "Effect of Apoptotic Components on the Oxidative Stress in the Aging Brain & Other Organs" and "Lipid Species

Spring Visitors Day (Pharm.D.)

R.C. Wilson Pharmacy Building, Room 120

UGA College of Pharmacy Spring Visitors Day is a great opportunity for prospective students to learn more about the Doctor of Pharmacy program at UGA and understand the admissions and

PBS Research Seminar Series (Spring 2019)

Dr. David Oupicky, University of Nebraska Medical Center, will present, "Development of Pharmacologically Active Polymers to Target Chemokine Networks to Treat Metastatic Cancer" on Wednesday, April 17, at 9:00 a.m.

PBS Research Seminar Series (Spring 2019)

Dr. Jing Chen, Professor, Emory University School of Medicine, will present, "Diet, Metabolism and Cancer" on Wednesday, April 24, at 9:00 a.m. in PS 201. The Research Seminar Series is

50th Southeastern Residency Conference

Date: April 25-26, 2019 Location: The Classic Center, Athens, Georgia The Southeastern Residency Conference is an opportunity for pharmacy residents and graduate students to make formal professional presentations of their

International Biomedical Regulatory Sciences Open House

Please join us for an open house and reception to welcome Dr. Grace Gowda as the new Director of  the International Biomedical Regulatory Sciences program.  Prospective students are welcomed and

PBS Research Day

The Department of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences (PBS) will hold their annual Research Day on May 1, 2019 from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Georgia Center.  Everyone is

Why Pharmacy at UGA?

Ranked 15th out of 141 pharmacy programs in the country by US News & World Report, UGA Pharmacy is at the top of its class. Learn more below:

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