Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences
Associate Professor
Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences
Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences
Ph.D. Pharmaceutics, University of Washington 1985
B.S. Pharmacy, St. Louis College of Pharmacy 1980
Research Areas: Pharmacokinetics of new investigational therapeutic agents/environmental toxins including both in vitro and in vivo testing; analysis of data to generate pharmacokinetic parameters; bioanalytical analysis; stability testing, brain disposition of compounds; drug metabolism and educational research
Opportunities for Collaboration: Toxicology, preclinical evaluation of new therapeutic agents or formulations, drug delivery, medicinal chemistry, brain disposition of compounds, and educational research
Winner of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) Innovations in Teaching Competition, 2009
Dr. White’s research focuses on the influence of age and gender on the disposition of drugs and toxicants, and their subsequent therapeutic or toxic outcomes, and the physiological-based pharmacokinetic modeling for utilization in predicting toxicity and exposures. She also studies drug:drug interactions occurring at the maternal-placental-fetal interfaces, and pre-clinical evaluation of pharmacokinetics and toxicity of new drug entities. She is also searching for educational strategies that enhance active learning for pharmacy students.
Shirin Hooshfar, Tanzir Mortuza, Clinton A. Rogers, Michael R. Linzey, Darren R. Gullick, James V. Bruckner, Catherine A. White, Michael G. Bartlett. Gas Chromatography/Negative chemical ionization mass spectrometry of transfluthrin in rat plasma and brain. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 31(19) 1573-1581 (2017). (2.0)
Amaraneni, Manoj, Jing Pang, Tanzir B. Mortuza, Srinivasa Muralidhara, Brian S. Cummings, Catherine A. White, Charles V. Vorhees, Jason Zastre, and James V. Bruckner. “Brain uptake of deltamethrin in rats as a function of plasma protein binding and blood–brain barrier maturation.” Neurotoxicology 62 (2017): 24-29. (3.1)
Hooshfar, Shirin, Darren R. Gullick, Michael R. Linzey, Tanzir Mortuza, Mona Hamdy Abdel Rahman, Clinton A. Rogers, James V. Bruckner, Catherine A. White, and Michael G. Bartlett. “Simultaneous determination of cis-permethrin and trans-permethrin in rat plasma and brain tissue using gas chromatography–negative chemical ionization mass spectrometry.” Journal of Chromatography B 1060 (2017) 291-299 (2.6)
Amaraneni, Manoj, Jing Pang, James V. Bruckner, Srinivasa Muralidhara, Tanzir B.Mortuza, Darren Gullick, Shirin Hooshfar, Catherine A. White, and Brian S. Cummings. “Influence of Maturation on in Vivo Tissue to Plasma Partition Coefficients for Cis-and Trans-Permethrin.” Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 106 (8): 2144-2151 (2017) (2.0)
Tanzir Mortuza, Chen Chen, Catherine A. White, Brian S. Cummings, S. Muralidhara, Darren Gullick, James V. Bruckner. Toxicokinetics of Deltamethrin: Dosage Dependency, Vehicle Effects, and Low-Dose Age-Equivalent Dosimetry. Tox. Sci. epublished 20 November 2017 (2017) (4.1)
Amaraneni, M, Bruckner, JV ,Pang J, Muralidhara S, Mortuza TB, , Gullick D, White CA, Cummings, BS, Influence of Maturation on In Vivo Tissue to Plasma Partition Coefficients of Cis- and Trans-Permethrin, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, in press (IF=2.1)
Amaraneni, M, Pang J, Mortuza TB, Muralidhara S, Cummings, BS, White CA, Vorhees CV, Zastre, J, Bruckner, JV. Brain Uptake of Deltamethrin in Rats as a Function of Plasma Protein Binding and Blood-Brain Barrier Maturation, Neurotoxicology, 62:24-29, 2017 (Journal Article) (IF=2.74)
McPhail BT, White CA, Cummings BS, Muralidhara S, Wilson JT, Bruckner JV. The immature rat as a potential model for chemical risks to children: Ontogeny of selected hepatic P450s CHEMICO-BIOLOGICAL INTERACTIONS 256:167-177 25 Aug 2016 (Journal article) (IF=2.62)
Hannings AN, von Waldner T, McEwen DW, White CA*. Assessment of Emergency Preparedness Modules in Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL EDUCATION 80(2) Article number ARTN 23 2016 (Journal Article) (IF=1.2)
Caplan SL, Zheng B, Dawson-Scully K, White CA, West LM. Pseudopterosin A: Protection of Synaptic Function and Potential as a Neuromodulatory Agent MARINE DRUGS 14(3) Mar 2016 (Journal article) (IF=3.35)
Gullick DR, Bruckner JV, White CA, Chen C, Cummings BS, Bartlett MG. Quantitation of Deltamethrin in Rat Liver and Muscle Homogenates Using Dispersive Solid-Phase Extraction with GC-NCI-MS Journal of AOAC International, 99(3) 813-820, 2016 (IF=0.92)
Sethi PK, White CA, Cummings BS, Hines RN, Muralidhara S, Bruckner JV. Ontogeny of plasma proteins , albumin and binding of diazepam, cyclosporine and deltamethrin. Pediatric Research, 79 (3) 409-415, 2016 (IF=2.76)
Amaraneni, M, Sharma A, Pang J, Muralidhara S, Cummings, BS, White CA, Bruckner JV and Zastre J. Plasma Protein Binding Limits the Blood Brain Barrier Permeation of the Pyrethroid Insecticide, Deltamethrin, 205: 21-28, 2016 (IF=3.52)
Sethi, P.K., Muralidhara, S., Bruckner, J.V., and White, C.A. (2014). Measurement of plasma protein and lipoprotein binding of pyrethroids. J. Pharmacol. Toxicol. Methods 70: 106-111.
JS Eagleson, SR Platt, DL Strong, M Kent, AC Freeman, PP Nghiem, B Zheng, CA White, Bioavailability of a novel midazolam gel after intranasal administration in dogs, Am J Vet Res, 2012, 73(4):539-45.
C Harris, C Dallas, E Rollor, C White, B Blount, L Valentin-Blasini, J Fisher, Radioactive Iodide excretion profiles in response to potassium iodide (KI) and ammonium perchlorate (NH4CLO4) prophylaxis, Int J Environ Res Public Health,2012, 9(8) 2936-2948
D. Elder, C.A. White, B. Zheng, D Li, Stability of Midazolam Intranasal Formula for the Treatment of Status Epileptus in Dogs, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding, 15(1)74-77, 2011
Pyrethroid Working Group
Office: 706-542-5762
Email: [email protected]
Campus Address
R.C. Wilson, Rm 376
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