Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy, Athens
Associate Professor
Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy, Athens
Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy, Athens
Doctor Foods and Nutrition, University of Georgia 2013
Bachelor Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, University of Bonn, Germany 2005
Research Areas: Management of advanced heart failure, particularly through nutritional interventions in the context of existing
pharmacotherapy; socioeconomic health disparities in cardiovascular health (CVH)
Opportunities for Collaboration: With faculty interested in CVH and clinical/translational research
Graduate Certificate of Gerontology, College of Public Health, University of Georgia, 2012
Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Examination Committee (FPGEC) Certification, National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP), 2007
Approbation and Licensure to Practice Pharmacy, Germany, 2006
Doctor Foods and Nutrition, University of Georgia 2013
Bachelor Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, University of Bonn, Germany 2005
Peer-reviewed Publications
SattlerĀ E.L., Lee JS, Young HN. Factors Associated with Inpatient Hospital (Re)admissions in Medicare Beneficiaries in Need of Food Assistance. J Nutr Gerontol Geriatr 2015;34(2):228-44, with Dr. Henry Young
Sattler, E. L. P., Lee, J. S., Bhargava, V. (2014). Food Insecurity and Medication Adherence in Low-income Older Medicare Beneficiaries with Type 2 Diabetes. (Accepted for Publication)
Sattler, E. L. P., Perri III, M., Lee, J.S. (2013). Medication (Re)fill Adherence Measures Derived from Pharmacy Claims Data in Older Americans: A Review of the Literature. Drugs Aging 2013;30(6):383-99.
Sattler, E. L. P., Lee, J. S. (2013). Persistent Food Insecurity is Associated with Higher Levels of Cost-related Medication Non-adherence in Low-income Older Georgians. J Nutr Gerontol Geriatr 2013;32(1):41-58.
Book Chapters
Johnson, M. A., Hausman, D., Martin, P., Poon, L. W., Sattler E. L. P., & Davey, A. (2011). Nutrition and Well-being (pp. 171-185). In L. W. Poon & J. Cohen-Mansfield (Eds.), Understanding Well-Being in the Oldest Old. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Conference and Invited Presentations
Sattler, E. L. P., Lee, J. S. Self-reported and Pharmacy Claims-based Medication Adherence in Low-income Older Medicare Beneficiaries with Type 2 Diabetes. Poster presentation at Experimental Biology San Diego, CA, April 2014.
Sattler, E.L.P., Lee, J. S., Bhargava, V. Food Insecurity and Medication Utilization in Low-income Older Medicare Beneficiaries with Diabetes. Oral presentation at Experimental Biology, Boston, MA, April 2013.
Sattler, E.L.P., Lee, J. S., Bhargava, V. Diabetes Complication-related Healthcare Utilization among Low-income Older Medicare Beneficiaries in Need of Food Assistance. Poster presentation at Experimental Biology, Boston, MA, April 2013.
Sattler, E. L. P., Lee, J. S. Persistent Food Insecurity is Associated with Higher Levels of Cost-related Medication Non-adherence in Low-income Older Georgians. Oral presentation at Experimental Biology, San Diego, CA, April 2012.
Sattler, E. L. P., Perri III, M., Lee, J.S. Medication (Re)fill Adherence Measures Derived from Pharmacy Claims Data in Older Americans: A Review of the Literature. Poster presentation at the 23rd Southeastern Student Mentoring Conference in Gerontology and Geriatrics, Atlanta, GA, March 2012.
Sattler, E. L. P. What Nutrition Professionals Need to Know about Medicare, Medicaid, and Private Health Insurance in Older Americans. Seminar Presentation, Department of Foods and Nutrition, University of Georgia, 2011.
Principal Investigator of an interdisciplinary campus-wide research team that received the CTRU seed grant for a project entitled: “Eating Intervention Compared to a Mindful Eating Intervention on Biomarkers of Cancer Prognosis in Overweight and Obese Breast Cancer Survivors.” ($29,886) Research team members are the following:
Awarded $1,500 through the Faculty Achievement in Classroom Teaching (FACT) grant program to implement the TeamBased Learning (TBL) method to deliver the new Nutrition and Lifestyle Intervention in Pharmacy Practice course offered to first-year pharmacy students (PHRM 3540).
Office: 706-542-1040
Email: [email protected]
Campus Address
R.C. Wilson, Rm 270-O
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College of Pharmacy
250 W. Green St.
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