Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy
Kroger Professor
Department Head
Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy
Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy
Postdoctoral Scholar , University of California-Davis, Center for Health Services Research in Primary Care 2003-2005
Doctoral Pharmaceutical Sciences – Pharmacy Administration, University of Florida, College of Pharmacy 2002
Certificate of Health Communication, University of Florida, College of Health and Human Performance 2002
Bachelor of Science, University of Florida, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences 1997
Research Areas: Patient medication use to improve quality of life and health outcomes with a special interest in health services and
outcomes in underserved and minority patient populations
Opportunities for Collaboration: Different contexts(e.g., medical conditions, diverse populations); areas of asthma, pain and cardiovascular disease
Pharmacy Teaching Innovation Award, University of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy 2011
Teacher of the Year – First year pharmacy program, University of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy, 2010
Top Reviewer Award, Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 2009
Teacher of the Year – First year pharmacy program, University of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy, 2007
Health communication, medication use behaviors, health services and health outcomes
Peer-reviewed Research Papers
Young HN, Larson T, Cox E, Moreno M, Thorpe J, MacKinnon N. The active patient role and asthma outcomes in an underserved rural community. (accepted The Journal of Rural Health).
Young HN, Havican SN, Griesbach S, Thorpe JM, Chewning BA, Sorkness CA (2012). Patient And phaRmacist Telephonic Encounters (PARTE) in an underserved rural patient population with asthma: results of a pilot study. Telemedicine and e-Health. Epub, June 5.
Young HN, Dilworth TJ, Mott DA, Cox ED, Moreno MA, Brown RL (2012). Pharmacists’ provision of information to Spanish-speaking patients: A social cognitive approach. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy. Epub, May 1.
Young HN, Schumacher JB, Moreno MA, Brown RL, Sigrest TD, McIntosch GK, Schumacher DJ, Kelly MM, Cox ED (2012). Medical student self-efficacy with family-centered care during beside rounds. Academic Medicine. 87:767-775.
Young HN, Dilworth TJ, Mott DA (2011). Disparities in pharmacists’ patient education for Hispanics using antidepressants. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association. 51(3):388-96.
Young HN, Chan MR, Yevzlin AS, Becker BN (2011). The rationale, implementation, and effect of the Medicare CKD education benefit. American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 57(3):381-6.
Young HN, Havican SN, Chewning BA, Sorkness CA, Ruppel X, Griesbach S (2011). Patient And phaRmacist Telephonic Encounters (PARTE) in an underserved rural population with asthma: methods and rationale. INNOVATIONS in pharmacy. 2(3):1-10.
Young HN, Hwang MJS, Dilworth TJ, Mott DA, Cox ED, Moreno MA (2011). Development and evaluation of an instrument to measure community pharmacists’ self-efficacy beliefs about communicating with Spanish-speaking patients. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy. 7(4):330-7. Epub 2010 Oct 2.
Young HN, Bell RA, Epstein RM, Feldman MD, Kravitz RL (2008). Physicians’ shared decision-making behaviors in depression care. Archives of Internal Medicine. 168(13): pp. 1404-1408.
Invited Presentations
Young HN. “Helping Patients Use Medications through Telemanagement.” Invited presentation at St. John’s University, College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences, Queens, NY, April 2013.
Young HN. “Pharmacist Telemanagement Services: An Interesting Possibility for Asthma Care.” Webinar Presentation, Children’s Health Alliance of Wisconsin – Wisconsin Asthma Coalition, Milwaukee, WI, August 2012.
Young HN. “Public Health Problems and Behavioral & Social Sciences Research.” Keynote Presentation, Midwest Social and Administrative Pharmacy Conference, Madison, WI, August 2012.
Young HN, Havican SN, Griesbach S, Thorpe JM, Chewning BA, Sorkness CA. “Patient And phaRmacist Telephonic Encounters (PARTE) in an Underserved Rural Patient Population with Asthma: Results of a Pilot Study.” Podium Presentation, Health Equity Leadership Institute Conference, Madison, WI, June 2011.
Young HN, Chui MA, Martin B, Vivian E. “The Wisconsin Idea: Building Research Collaborations.” Invited presentation at the World Universities Network – Collaboration in Medicines Information, Review and Partnership meeting, Sydney, NSW, Australia, May 2010.
Conference Presentations: Podium, Poster, & Workshop
Young HN, Cox E, Brown R, Moreno M, Kelly M. “Medical student self-efficacy with family-centered care during bedside rounds.” Oral Presentation at the International Conference on Communication in Healthcare, Chicago, IL, October 2011.
Young HN, Havican SN, Chewning BA, Sorkness CA, Thorpe JM. “Patient And pharmacist Telephonic Encounters (PARTE) in an Underserved Rural Patient Population with Asthma: Results of a Pilot Study.” Oral presentation at the 139th American Public Health Association’s Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, October -November 2011.
Young HN, Havican SN, Chewning BA, Sorkness CA, Thorpe JM. “The Relationship between Patient Activation and Asthma Medication Adherence in an Underserved Rural Patient Population.” Poster presentation at the 139th American Public Health Association’s Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, October – November 2011.
Young HN, Dilworth TJ, Mott DA, Thorpe JM, Brown RL. “Factors Associated with Pharmacists’ Communication with Spanish-speaking Patients.” Podium Presentation at the Annual Conference of the American Pharmacists Association – Academy of Pharmaceutical Research and Science – Economic, Social, and Administrative Sciences Section, Seattle, Washington, March 2011.
Young HN, Dilworth TJ, Mott DA. “Pharmacists’ intentions to provide antidepressant information to patients.” Poster Presentation at the Annual Conference of the American Pharmacists Association – Academy of Pharmaceutical Research and Science – Economic, Social, and Administrative Sciences Section, San Antonio, TX, April 2009.
“Adopting an Easy-to-Read Medication Label in Wisconsin.” (2012) Development grant from the Community-Academic Partnership Fund. Wisconsin Partnership Program at the UW School of Medicine and Public Health. Funded $49,928. (Role: Co-Investigator).
“Consumers’ Responses to Modification of an Antidepressant Direct-To-Consumer Advertisement.” (2011) Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (UW-Madison) Dissertation Award, Funded $6,720. (Role: Dissertation Advisor).
“The Role of Pharmacist Evaluation in Activation of Adult Asthma Patients.” (2009) Institutional Clinical and Translational Science Award (UW-Madison) (Institutional Pilot Grant Program supported by UL1 RR025011 NIH/NCRR 9/2008-6/2011), Funded $49,564. (Role: Principal Investigator)
“Evaluation of Pharmacists’ Impact on Patients’ Compliance with Medications.” (2006) Graduate School Grant (University of Wisconsin – Madison). Funded $7,666. (Role: Principal Investigator)
Research Supplements for Underrepresented Minorities (PA-01-079). (2004) National Institute of Mental Health, National Institutes of Health. Funded $139,179. R01 MH064683 Consumer Influences on Treatment of Depression (Role: Co-Investigator)
Office: 706-542-0720
Email: [email protected]
Campus Address
R.C. Wilson, Rm 270J
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