Experience Programs
Senior Public Service Associate
Experience Programs
Experience Programs
Doctor of Pharmacy, University of Colorado, 2003
B.S. Pharmacy, University of Georgia 1985
Research Areas: Leadership, experiential and interprofessional education, hospital-based practice and efficacy of interprofessional teams in “whole person care”
Board Certified Psychiatric Pharmacist
Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist
Board Certified Ambulatory Care Pharmacist
AACP Award for Exemplary Service, Leadership Development SIG
GSHP Mentor of the Year 2020
AACP Leadership Development SIG Best Poster Award, 2015
PPAG Best Practices in Pediatric Pharmacy, 2002
American Associations of Colleges of Pharmacy, member
College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists, member
Georgia Society of Health Systems Pharmacy, member
Leadership in Pharmacy
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Experiential Education
Interprofessional Education
Smith S, Ayers P, Sikora-Newsome A, Logan L, Fulford M “Pharmacist perceptions of CliftonStrengths® themes important for success in advanced cardiovascular life support”, Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, October 2020.
Darley A, Hannings AN, Logan LD, Brooks K. “A Precepting-Focused Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience In Academia”. INNOVATIONS in pharmacy, Vol. 11, No 4, Article 11, November 10, 2020.
Hannings AN, Duke L, Logan LD, Upchurch B, Bleaker J, Darley A, McElhannon M, Brooks K. “Patient Perception of Student Pharmacist Run Mobile Immunization Clinic”, J Am Pharm Assoc, 2019 Mar – Apr;59(2):228-231.e1.doi: 10.1016
Darley A, Logan LD. “Pharmacy informatics education: Student exposure to health information technology through college and industry collaborations”. (Accepted to AJHP, November 2018)
Logan, LD. Leadership Strengths and the Future of Pharmacy. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. Vol 81, Issue 6, Article 6583, 86-87, Letter. (October 2017)
Welch LH, Hughes LD, May DB, McEwen DW, and Duke LJ. Evaluation of a Multi-modal Approach of Teaching Immunization Administration in a Doctor of Pharmacy Curriculum. Curr Pharm Teach Learn Vol 6, Issue 6 (2014) 782-791.
Opioid Use Disorder and Medication Assisted Therapy, OUD/SUD Training for HRSA Grants, University of Georgia Mary Francis Early College of Education, Athens, GA, presented live via Zoom and recorded, November 13, 2020.
Pharmacology and Communication Disorders, (ASHA 0.CEU Council of Academic Programs in Communication. Sciences and Disorders Webinar, presented live via internet and recorded (co presenter: Elizabeth Vandewaa, PhD) June 4, 2020.
A Pharmacy Primer for Speech Language Pathologists and Audiologists (ASHA 0.3CEU) South Carolina Speech Language and Hearing Convention, Greenville, SC, February 8, 2019.
A Pharmacy Primer for Speech Language Pathologists and Audiologists (ASHA 0.3CEU) L.L. Schendel Speech and Hearling Clinic, Florida State University, May 17, 2018.
Implications of Medications with Speech and Hearing Southeastern University Clinical Educators Annual Conference, Athens, GA, September 29, 2017.
Meaningful and Manageable Strategies for Assessing Student Leadership Development across the Pharm.D. Curriculum (co-presenter Michael Fulford, PhD) panel presentation with University of Georgia (co-presenter Michael Fulford, PhD), University of Minnesota (Fierke, Janke, Sorenson) and Midwestern University (Bowman). AACP Annual meeting, Nashville, TN, July 2017.
Can You Hear Me Now: Medication Misadventures in Speech, Language and Hearing (GHSA 0.2CEU) Georgia Speech, Language and Hearing Convention, Athens, GA, February 17, 2017
Effects of Medications on Speaking, Hearing and Swallowing (GSHA 0.2CEU) Georgia Speech, Language and Hearing Convention, Athens, GA, February 27, 2015, (co presenter with Lindsey Welch, Pharm.D.) Roundtable Presentation. AACP Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX, July 2014.
Creating Mutual Beneficial Student Pharmacy Experiences, (ACPE 0.15 CEU) (co presenter with Lindsey Welch, Pharm.D.) GSHP Annual Meeting, Amelia Island, FL, July 2014.
Office: 706-542-2153
Email: [email protected]
Campus Address
R.C. Wilson, Rm 152B
Ranked 15th out of 141 pharmacy programs in the country by US News & World Report, UGA Pharmacy is at the top of its class. Learn more below:
The University of Georgia
College of Pharmacy
250 W. Green St.
Athens, Georgia 30602
Phone: (706) 542-1911
Fax: (706) 542-5357