LORI J. DUKE, Pharm.D.
Experience Programs
Assistant Dean for Experience Programs
Experience Programs
Experience Programs
Doctor of Pharmacy, UNC-Chapel Hill, School of Pharmacy 1989
Specialized Residency in Critical Care Pharmacy, Medical College of Virginia Hospitals/VCU 1989-1990
Research Fellowship in Critical Care Pharmacy, Virginia Commonwealth University 1990-1992
Research Areas: Experiental learning and student professional development
Opportunities for Collaboration:
Within experience learning and among experiential faculty from otherinstitutions
Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) Board of Directors, 2014-2020
ACPE Site Team Evaluator (National, International Programs), (2013 – present)
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) Experiential Education Section Leadership
AACP Council of Sections, Member (2011-2014)
AACP Academic Leadership Fellows Program, 2006-2007
Southeastern Pharmacy Experiential Education Consortium (SPEEC), Co-founder and Member (2003 – present)
Georgia Society of Health-Systems Pharmacists, Board of Directors (1997 – 2019)
Co-recipient, American Pharmacists Association (APhA) Immunization Champion Award – Community Outreach Category, Honorary Mention, (award given to Division of Experience Programs), March 2011.
Co-recipient, Rufus A. Lyman Award (American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy), 2007, for Chisholm MA, Cobb H, Duke L, McDuffie C, Kennedy W. Development and validation of an instrument to measure professionalism. Am J Pharm Ed 2006; 70(4): Article 85.
Foothills Area Health Education Center Board of Directors (2016-present)
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Member
Georgia Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Member
Experiential Education
Student Professional Development
Welch LH, Hughes LD, May DB, McEwen DW, Duke LJ. Evaluation of a multi-modal approach of teaching immunization administration in a doctor of pharmacy curriculum. Curr in Pharm Teach Learn 2014; 6(6):782-791.
Duke LJ, Staton AG, McCullough ES, Jain R, Miller MS, Stevenson TL, Fetterman JW, Parham RL, Sheffield MC, Unterwagner WL, McDuffie CH. Impact of advanced pharmacy practice experience placement changes in colleges and schools of pharmacy. Am J Pharm Educ. 2012;76(3)Article 49.
McDuffie CH, Duke LJ, Stevenson TL, Sheffield MC, Fetterman JW, Staton AG, McCullough ES. Consortium-based approach to implementing an online preceptor development program. Am J Pharm Educ. 2011;75(7):Article 135.
McDuffie CH, Sheffield MC, Miller MS, Duke LJ, Rogers S. A web-based portfolio approach to developing and documenting pharmaceutical care plans during advanced pharmacy practice experiences. Am J Pharm Ed 2010; 74(4): Article 59.
Brackett PD, Byrd D, Duke LJ, Fetterman JW, Unterwagner WL, Staton AG, Miller MS, Sheffield MC, Kennedy WK, McDuffie, CH, Stevenson TL, Thompson PA, McCullough ES. Confronting barriers in graduating pharmacy students: focus on advanced pharmacy practice experiences by an experiential education consortium. Am J Pharm Ed 2009; 73(5):Article 82.
Duke LJ, Unterwagner WL, Byrd DC. Establishment of a multi-state experiential pharmacy program consortium. Am J Pharm Ed 2008; 72(3):Article 62.
Chisholm MA, Cobb H, Duke L, McDuffie C, Kennedy W. Development and validation of an instrument to measure professionalism. Am J Pharm Ed 2006; 70(4): Article 85.
Duke LJ, Francisco GE, Herist KN, McDuffie CH, White CA. Student professionalism: development and implementation of a curricular competency statement and professionalism policy at the University of Georgia College of Pharmacy. J Pharm Teaching 2005; 12(2):5-24.
Duke LJ, Kennedy WK, McDuffie C, Miller M, Sheffield M, Chisholm M. Student attitudes, values, and beliefs regarding professionalism. Am J Pharm Ed 2005; 69(5) Article 104.
Office: 706-542-5315
Email: [email protected]
Campus Address
R.C. Wilson, Rm 150A
Ranked 15th out of 141 pharmacy programs in the country by US News & World Report, UGA Pharmacy is at the top of its class. Learn more below:
The University of Georgia
College of Pharmacy
250 W. Green St.
Athens, Georgia 30602
Phone: (706) 542-1911
Fax: (706) 542-5357