Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy, Athens
Clinical Professor
Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy, Athens
Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy, Athens
Doctor of Pharmacy, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 2010
PGY1 Pharmacy Residency Practice , Puget Sound VA Health Services, WA 2011
PGY2 Ambulatory Care Residency , University of Illinois at Chicago, IL 2012
Research Areas: Contraception, medication use during pregnancy, medication access and adherence
Opportunities for Collaboration: Medication access and use, and the corresponding relationship with reproductive health outcomes
Contraception, Emergency Contraception, Medication use during pregnancy, Medication adherence
A full list of publications can be found at the links below:
Recent Publications
Stone RH, Gross S, Reardon B, Young HN. Emergency Contraception Access and Counseling in Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Pharmacies in Georgia. J Pharm Pract.
Beal JL, Reed JB, Stone RH, Satterfield KG, Meredith AH. Pharmacist-prescribed hormonal contraception services: A systematic review of implementation studies. J Am Coll Clin Pharm. 2021; 1- 14. doi:10.1002/jac5.1539
Rikard R, Elliott J, Dalton E, Stone RH. Pharmacist-Prescribed Hormonal Contraception: Does Didactic Hormonal Contraception Education Affect Student Pharmacist Perceptions of This Professional Activity? Pharmacy. 2021; 9(3):145.
Stone RH, Cieri-Hutcherson NE, Vernon V, Arellano R, Mospan C, Harris JB, Barnes KN, Griffin BL, Lodise NM, Patel J, Rafie S, Vest K. An Integrative Review of Curricular Considerations for Preparing Student Pharmacists to Prescribe Hormonal Contraception. Am J Pharm Educ. 2021 Aug 12:8667. doi: 10.5688/ajpe8667. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34385172.
Stone RH, Rafie S. Medication abortion: Advocating for mifepristone dispensing by pharmacists [published online ahead of print, 2021 May 7]. Contraception. 2021;S0010-7824(21)00145-1. doi:10.1016/j.contraception.2021.04.029
Selected Publications
Stone RH, Abousad M, Abousad A, Kobak, W. A Systematic Review of Intravaginal Diazepam for the Treatment of Pelvic Floor Hypertonic Disorder. J Clin Pharmacol. 2020 Dec;60 Suppl 2:S110-S120. doi: 10.1002/jcph.1775
Stone RH, Griffin B, Fusco R, Vest K, Tran T, Gross S. Factors affecting contraception access and use in patients with opioid use disorder. J Clin Pharmacol. 2020 Dec;60 Suppl 2:S63-S73. doi: 10.1002/jcph.1772.
Stone RH, Rafie S, Ernest D, Scutt B. Emergency Contraception Access and Counseling in Urban Pharmacies: A comparison between states with and without pharmacist prescribing. Pharmacy 2020, 8, 105. doi:10.3390/pharmacy8020105
Cieri-Hutcherson N, Harris J, Karaoui L, Lodise N, Stone RH, Vernon V. Infertility Management and Pharmacotherapy: What Every Pharmacist Should Know. J Pharm Pract. 2020 Jun 26;897190020930969. doi: 10.1177/0897190020930969
Stone RH, Rafie S, Shealy K, Griffin B, Stein AB. Pharmacist self-perception of readiness to prescribe hormonal contraception and additional training needs. Curr Pharm Teach Learn. 2020 Jan;12(1):27-34.
Stone RH. Emergency Contraception: More than just Plan B. Pharmacotherapy Casebook 11th edition. McGraw-Hill Education. April 2020.
Ti A, Stone RH, Whiteman M, Curtis K. Safety and effectiveness of hormonal contraception for women who use opioids: a systematic review. Contraception. 2019 Sep 1. pii: S0010-7824(19)30403-2. doi: 10.1016/j.contraception.2019.08.006.
Rafie S, Cieri-Hutcherson NE, Frame TR, Griffin, B, Harris JB, Horlen C, Shealy K, Stein AB, Stone RH, Vest K, Westberg S, Yancey AM,. (2019). Pharmacists’ Perspectives on Prescribing and Expanding Access to Hormonal Contraception in Pharmacies in the United States. J Pharm Pract. 2019 Aug 7:897190019867601. doi: 10.1177/0897190019867601
Stone RH, Anguiano R, Falk K, Bobowski C, Alvarez P, Mastrogiannis D. Latency of 17OHP delivery from prescription to first dose in patients receiving compound vs commercial product and patient outcomes. Journal of Reproductive Medicine. 2018 Jun;3:276-284
Griffin BL, Stone RH, El-Ibiary SY, Westberg S, Shealy K, Forinash A, Yancey A, Vest K, Karaoui LR, Rafie S, Horlen C, Lodise N, Cieri-Hutcherson N, McBane S, Simonyan A. Guide for Drug Selection During Pregnancy and Lactation: What Pharmacists Need to Know for Current Practice. Ann Pharmacother. 2018 Mar. doi: 10.1177/1060028018764447
Stone RH, Stack NL. Emergency Contraception. In: Ambulatory Care Self-Assessment Program, 2018 Book 2. Women’s and Men’s Care. Lenexa, KS: American College of Clinical Pharmacy, 2018: 153-67.
Stone RH, Bobowski C, Milikhiker N, Anguiano RH, Mastrogiannis D. Prevention of Preterm Labor with 17α-Hydroxyprogesterone (17OHP) Caproate: A Comparison of Adverse Drug Reaction Rates between Compounded and Commercial Formulations. Am J Perinatol. 2017 Dec;34(14):1436-1441. doi: 10.1055/s-0037-1604195
Stone RH, Rafie S, El-Ibiary S, Vernon V, Lodise N. Emergency Contraception Algorithm and Guide for Clinicians. Nurs Womens Health. 2017 Aug – Sep;21(4):297-305. doi: 10.1016/j.nwh.2017.06.005
Tran T, Griffin B, Stone RH, Vest K, Todd T. Methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone for the treatment of opioid use disorder in pregnancy. Pharmacotherapy. 2017 May 24. doi: 10.1002/phar.1958
Rafie S, Stone RH, Wilkinson T, Borgelt L, El-Ibiary S, Ragland D. Role of the community pharmacist in emergency contraception counselling and delivery: current trends and future prospects. Integrated Pharmacy Research and Practice. 2017; 6:99-108. doi: 10.2147/IPRP.S99541
Stone RH. Chronic diseases in pregnancy. In: Dong BJ, Elliott DP, eds. Ambulatory Care Self-Assessment Program, 2015 Book 2. Women’s and Men’s Care. Lenexa, KS: American College of Clinical Pharmacy, 2015:81-102.
Perry R, Stone RH, Haider S. (2014) Contraceptive Agents and Drug Interactions. In Allen, RH., & Cwiak, CA (Eds.), Contraception for the Medically Challenging Patient (pages). Location: Springer Publishing. 2014.
Stone RH, Lodise NM, Morin A, Rafie S. What is the restriction on over-the-counter EC access today? J Adolesc Health. 2014 Jul;55(1):148. doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2014.04.001
Stone RH, Rafie S, El-Ibiary SY, Karaoui LR, Shealy KM, Vernon VP. Oral contraceptive pills and possible adverse effects. Journal of Symptoms and Signs. 2014; 3(4): 282-291.
Stone RH, Hong J, Hyunyoung J. Pharmacokinetics of monoclonal antibodies used for inflammatory bowel diseases in pregnancy. J Clin Toxicol. 2014; 4:209. doi: 10.4172/2161-0495.1000209
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