The PBS graduate program will provide the academic, research, and administrative resources necessary to meet the program goals:

  • Give students a strong foundation in modern pharmaceutical and biomedical science disciplines and application to drug discovery and development.
  • Give students depth of knowledge and technical training in their area of study.
  • Develop a strong work ethic and time management skills in graduate students.
  • Teach students to speak and write about their research clearly and convincingly.
  • Teach students to critically evaluate data and results in the scientific literature.
  • Promote a rigorous academic and research environment in which students will add to the current knowledge in their fields.
  • Prepare students for a career in the biotechnology or pharmaceutical industries, or for advanced graduate or medical degrees.
Admission Requirements

Graduate students are admitted to the PBS department MS program based on the graduate committee’s assessment of their ability to succeed in the graduate program, their compatibility with the research opportunities in the department, and the commitment of a PBS faculty member to serve as their major professor and faculty advisor. Key factors considered are: prior research experience; evidence of work ethic and commitment to biomedical research; evidence of appropriate educational background; grade point average; English language exam scores (for international applicants); references (particularly from laboratory supervisors); research interests of available faculty mentors; other requirements of the Graduate School and special considerations of the Departmental Graduate Program Committee.  The GRE is NOT required for admission to the MS program in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences.  Students must identify a major professor/faculty advisor prior to admission. MS students must identify a major professor during the application process, and the major professor must agree to accept the student as an advisee prior to admission.

Application Procedure

Applicants to the PBS Master’s Program must submit a complete application to the UGA Graduate School. Application deadlines for domestic applicants are July 1 for the Fall Semester, November 15 for the Spring Semester, April 1 for the May and Extended Summer Session, and May 1 for the Summer Semester. More information for domestic applicants can be found here. For international applicants, the deadlines are April 15 for the Fall Semester, October 15 for the Spring Semester, and February 15 for the Summer Semester. More information for international applicants can be found here.

Additionally, prospective MS students must identify a PBS faculty member to serve as major professor prior to admission. Students should contact faculty members directly to inquire, and notify the PBS graduate admissions office when a faculty mentor is identified. MS students are not eligible for departmental teaching assistantships.

PBS M.S. Program Handbook
PBS Graduate Programs Brochure
Current Student Directory

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