Enter our GIVEAWAY for egiftcards and Airpods!!
How to enter:
3 points = egiftcard (while supplies last)
5 points = an entry to win AIRPODS
Prizes will be awarded on Monday, October 26th
Share a Pharmtoberfest Week post from @uga.apha.asp (on Instagram or Facebook): Screenshot your share to submit proof for 1 POINT
Get a Flu shot at the Pharmtoberfest Flu Clinic: Just take selfie/picture at event to submit proof for 2 POINTS
Get Pharmtoberfest Point of Care testing: Take a selfie/picture at event to submit proof for 2 POINTS
Watch a patient education video or play an educational game on Pharmtoberfest website: There will be a “secret word” contained in video/game to enter for 1 POINT
Read a patient education flyer on Pharmtoberfest website–record “secret word” contained on flyer for 1 POINT
Vote on the winner for the Pumpkin Painting Content: Enter your email that you used to vote for 1 POINT
Enter your points here: