Program Description

The purpose of the Program in Clinical and Experimental Therapeutics (CET) is to provide graduate training in therapeutics-related research that directly connects the basic science laboratory with the clinical practice setting.

The CET Program provides interdisciplinary graduate training program in therapeutics and drug development research utilizing the combined resources of the University of Georgia and Augusta University in Augusta, Georgia.

This association facilitates interaction with the faculty of both institutions. Members encompass a variety of health-related backgrounds and education and include Pharm.D.s, M.D.s, and Ph.D.s. Their clinical as well as basic science expertise allows for a truly interdisciplinary and translational approach to graduate training.

While the course requirements for graduate students enrolled in the program cover both areas, research opportunities allow students to focus on either the experimental (basic) or clinical science track.

Research Opportunities in CET

One of the primary objectives of the CET program is to encourage and facilitate research in the pharmaceutical sciences. CET faculty members have made significant accomplishments in their respective areas of interest and their ongoing projects are supported in part by grants from the National Institutes of Health, American Heart Association, the American Diabetes Association, and several pharmaceutical corporations.

Areas of expertise of CET faculty members include:

  • Pathogenesis and treatment of stroke
  • Pathogenesis and treatment of neurodegenerative disorders
  • Pathogenesis and vascular biology of hypertension and diabetes-associated vascular complications
  • Vascular biology of obesity and metabolic syndrome on microvascular dysfunction
  • Disease mechanism and treatment of diabetic retinopathy
  • Disease mechanism and treatment of optic neuropathy
  • Molecular mechanisms regulating endothelial-barrier, vascular permeability and angiogenesis
  • Extracellular matrix remodeling and pulmonary fibrosis
  • Identification of potential therapeutic targets for prostate, bladder, and colorectal cancers
  • Diabetes, Atherosclerosis and Dysregulation of smooth muscle contractility
  • Molecular mechanisms regulating smooth muscle cell proliferation and contractile proteins
  • Smooth Muscle Biology and Glucose transporters

Students enrolled in the CET program will have the opportunity to rotate through several laboratories. The laboratory rotations allow students to explore different areas of research and help them ultimately choose an area of study on which to focus.

We encourage you to visit each faculty member’s biosketch page and the CET Lab pages for more information on current and ongoing research projects.

Ph.D. Program Curriculum

A full course load for a student who does not hold an assistantship or fellowship is considered to be 15 semester hours.  Course loads exceeding 17 semester hours require written approval of the major professor, the graduate coordinator, and the Dean of the Graduate School.  A student on assistantship may not exceed a 15 hour maximum course load without approval of the graduate coordinator and the Dean of the Graduate School.  If the student’s assistantship exceeds 4/9 time, the student’s course load may be reduced accordingly.  Students who have completed all coursework, fulfilled the residence requirement and are engaged only in research, will have their academic load assessed on an individual basis.  Graduate students will not be considered as carrying a full course load if registered for less than 15 semester hours (12 semester hours in summer).  Students using University facilities and/or staff time are required to register for a minimum of 3 semester hours.

Required Ph.D. Core Courses: (8000 and 9000 level or the equivalent)

Laboratory Rotation (minimum of 3 different laboratories)

Suggested course schedule:

First Year

Fall semester core courses (Year 1)

Biochemistry (AU equivalent SGS8021 Biochemistry & Gene Regulation 5 credit hours)

Molecular/Cell Biology (AU equivalent SGS8022 Molecular Cell Biology 5 credit hours)

Introduction to Research in CET- (first Lab rotation) (UGA PHRM 8740, 4 credit hours)

Clinical Seminar/Journal Club (UGA PHRM 8730)

Doctoral Research (PHRM 9000)

Spring semester core courses (Year 1)

Advanced Therapeutics I * (UGA PHRM8700 4 credit hours)

Clinical Seminar/Journal Club (UGA PHRM 8730)

Doctoral Research (PHRM 9000), second and 3rd lab rotation

Summer semester core courses (Year 1)

Biomedical Statistics – (AU equivalent STAT 7070 3 credit hours)

Doctoral Research (PHRM 9000), (4th Lab rotation or declaring your major advisor).


1 semester (select from list below)

Cardiovascular Physiology and Pharmacology (AU equivalent SGSS 8120, 3 credit hours)

Experimental Therapeutics (AU PHRM8130, 3 credit  hours)

Fundamentals of Vision Research (AU ANAT8030, 3 credit hours)

Drug Targets and Cell Signaling PHRM8600 (3 credit  hours)

Additional courses may be required depending on a student’s academic and professional background and the discretion of the student’s advisory committee.  Students not exhibiting excellent written and/or oral communication skills will be required to take various courses to correct these deficiencies.

* Courses identified with a * may be exempted by those holding a Pharm.D. degree.

Second Year

Fall semester core courses (Year 2)

Advanced Therapeutics II* (UGA PHRM 8710 4 credit hours,

Clinical Seminar/Journal Club (UGA PHRM 8730, 1 credit hour)

Spring semester core courses (Year 2)

Advanced Therapeutics III* (UGA PHRM 8720 3 credit hours)

Research Ethics& Grant writing – (UGA PHRM7210, 3 credit hours)

Clinical Seminar/Journal Club (UGA PHRM 8730, 1 credit hour)

Clinical Rotation / Clinical Trial Certification* (UGA PHRM 7500 2 credit hours, 1 semester after core courses are completed)

Program Faculty

Click on the links below to view Program Faculty bio pages:

Susan Fagan, Pharm.D., BCPS, FCCP, Professor Emeritus

S. Priya Narayanan, Ph.D.

Andrea S. Newsome, Pharm.D., BCPS

Somanath Shenoy, Ph.D., FAHA

Duo Zhang, Ph.D.


CET Labs

The CET lab pages and principal investigators’ faculty bios are linked below:

Cancer and Vascular Biology Lab
Principal Investigator:  Dr. Somanath Shenoy

Pneumonia Research Lab
Principal Investigator:  Dr. Duo Zhang

Vision Research Lab
Principal Investigator:  Dr. Priya Narayanan


CET Program Handbook, Student Forms
Information for Prospective Students- How to Apply

If you are interested in applying to the CET graduate program, please click here and scroll to the “How to Apply” tab.


Contact the Program Director

Somanath P. R. Shenoy, Ph.D., FAHA
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 706-721-4250

Recent M.S. Graduates

Spring 2024

Manyasreeprapti (Manya) Yendamuri, MS

Summer 2023

Abdullah Alhumaid, PharmD, MS

Summer 2022

Abdulaziz Alanazi, PharmD, MS

Summer 2021

Eissa Jafari, PharmD, MS

Sultan Almuntashiri, PharmD, MS

Fall 2020

Amritha Anand Candadai, B. Pharm, MS

Summer 2020

Rana Kadry, B. Pharm, MS

Abdulkarim Alshammari, PharmD, MS

Summer 2019

Ahlam Alharthi, PharmD, MS

Asma Gah, PharmD, MS

Waleed Althomali, PharmD, MS

Mohammed Alshammari, PharmD, MS

Recent Ph.D. Graduates and Dissertation Titles

Summer 2024
Yin Zhu
Impact And Formation of Lipid-Laden Macrophage in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Spring 2024
Sultan Almuntashiri, Pharm.D., M.S., Ph.D.
Investigating TIMP-1 as a Potential Biomarker and Target in Acute Lung Injury

Summer 2023
Madhuri Rudraraju, Pharm.D., Ph.D.
Mechanisms of Endothelial-Barrier Regulation and Vascular Permeability in Ocular Inflammatory Diseases

Spring 2023
Abdulkarim Alshammari, Pharm.D., MS, Ph.D.
Mechanisms of Cognitive Impairment Development in Aged Hypertensive Rats: Focus on Macrophages

Moaddey Alfarhan, M.S., Ph.D.
Targeting Spermine Oxidase to Reduce Neurodegeneration and Vision Loss in Diabetic Retinopathy

Fall 2021
Mir Shoebulla Adil, Pharm.D., Ph.D.
Claudin 17 in blood tissue barrier regulation in physiology and pathology

Summer 2020
Mohammed A. Sayed, MS, Ph.D.

Hypertension and the development of post-stroke cognitive impairment: Mechanisms and therapeutic implications

Fall 2019
Abdulrahman Alwhaibi, PharmD, Ph.D.
The unconventional role of Akt1 in advanced prostate cancer: functional and molecular characterization

Summer 2019
LaDonya Jackson, MS, Ph.D.
Delayed administration of angiotensin II type 2 receptor (AT2R) agonist compound 21 improves stroke outcomes in diabetes

Spring 2019
Wael Eldahshan, MS, Ph.D.
Impact of angiotensin 2 receptor stimulation on recovery after stroke in females

Fall 2018
Sandeep Artham, Ph.D.
Reciprocal Regulation Of Lung Injury And Resolution By The AKT-FOXO Signaling Pathway In Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Summer 2017
Harika Sabbineni, Ph.D.
Akt-Mediated Pathway Regulating Endothelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition (EndMT) and Pulmonary Vascular Remodeling

Spring 2017
Arwa Fairaq, Ph.D.
Adiporon, a Small-Molecule Adiponectin Receptor Agonist, Inhibits Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation and Contractile Response: Molecular Mechanisms and Therapeutic Implications

Heba A. I. Ahmed, Ph.D.
Post-stroke/ Vascular Cognitive Impairment and Angiotensin System Modulation

Fall 2016
Sally Elshaer, Ph.D.
Modulating Neurotrophin Receptor; P75NTR Exerts Vascular Protection In Ischemic Retinopathy.

Summer 2016
Islam Osman, Ph.D.
Vasoprotective Effects of Pioglitazone, an Insulin Sensitizer: Molecular Mechanisms and Therapeutic Implications to Prevent Intimal Hyperplasia after Arterial Injury

Spring 2015
Abdelrahman Yousry Ali Gama Fouda, Ph.D.
Mechanisms Mediating Neuroprotection and Recovery with AT2 Receptor Stimulation after Stroke

Summer 2014:
Maha Abdalla, Ph.D.
Role of Akt in Myofibroblast Differentation Leading to Pulmonary Vascular Remodeling and Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

Ahmad Abdel-Karim Farhan Al-Azayzih, Ph.D.
Differential Effects of Transforming Growth Factor β1 on Prostrate Tumor, Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition, and Micrometastiasis

Islam N. Mohamed, Ph.D.
High Fat Diet Induces Retinal Microvascular Inflammation and Degeneration; Role of TXNIP-NLRP3 Inflammasome Axis

Spring 2014:
Sahar Soliman, Ph.D.
Mechanisms of protection by Angiotensin II receptor antagonsits after stroke: Role of VEGF A and B

Summer 2013:
Ahmed Alhusban, Ph.D.
Improving Stroke Outcome Through Increasing the Activity of the BDNF/TrkB System

Spring 2013:
Belal Al-Husein, Ph.D.  
Molecular Mechanisms Regulating Simvastatin-Medicated Inhibition of Prostrate Cancer Cellular Functions in Vitro and Tumor Growth in Vivo

Fall 2012:
Roshini Prakash, Ph.D.
Cerebrovascular Remodeling and Plasticity in Diabetes: Mechanisms and Relevance to Stroke Recovery

Fall 2011:
Mohammed Abd El Said, Ph.D.  

Imbalance of Cellular Redox Impairs Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Survival and Angiogenic Signal

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