Alumni Accolades

Alumni – do you know where your fellow classmates are and what they are doing? 

Alumni Accolades is a great way to get updated about fellow College of Pharmacy classmates!  To share personal (new baby, engagement, marriage, hobby, etc.) or professional (awards, elected positions, professional associations, new jobs or promotions, grants, publications, presentations, etc.) news or that of fellow alumni in future issues of UGA Script, please complete this form.

For questions, contact College of Pharmacy Director of Alumni Relations Kim Hamby.

Julian Fincher

Juilian Fincher

Julian Fincher, BS Pharm ‘61, is Dean Emeritus of the University of South Carolina College of Pharmacy.

Jim MacMahon

James MacMahonJim MacMahon, BS Pharm ‘66, is enjoying his retirement in Decatur with his wife, Micki Napoli. “I garden some and try to at least have some nice tomatoes. I wait for the fall so I can enjoy SEC football and watch the Dawgs kick butt. I do get to Athens on occasion. GO DAWGS…Kick Tech’s butt!”

Wes Krulic

Wes KrulicWes Krulic, BS Pharm ’67, PharmD ‘07, is a board member of the Savannah Voice Festival, a non-profit organization dedicated to the celebration of classical voice performance, theater, and food. He is a past member of Savannah Jaycees, Savannah Rotary, and Board Chair of MedBank Savannah.

Charles Wayne Weart

Charles WeartCharles Wayne Weart, BS Pharm ‘71, is currently Professor Emeritus at the Medical University of South Carolina’s College of Pharmacy. He also is serving on the Medical Advisory Committee and Board of Directors for the Rock Steady Boxing Organization, a group dedicated to fighting Parkinson’s Disease. “I have been doing Rock Steady Boxing for Parkinson’s with GritBox Fitness for six years now. It has been life changing and the best thing I have done for my Parkinson’s and my outlook on life! Thank you, Rock Steady Boxing and GritBox Fitness of Charleston, for making a difference in my life!”

L. Michael Posey

Michael PoseyL. Michael Posey, BS Pharm ‘79, is starting a term as Editor-in-Chief of the California Pharmacist. The organization is shifting the upcoming CPhA publication from a journal format back to an association magazine.

Al Kite

Al Kite, BS Pharm ‘80, has been retired for 23 years after working with CVS. His wife, Susan, is retiring soon as well. Al’s son completed his undergraduate and law school degrees at UGA.

Ron Burnette

Ron BurnetteRon Burnette, BS Pharm ‘84, is engaging with the pharmacy community by staying active in American Society of Health-System Pharmacists and the Florida Society of Health-System Pharmacists, as well as serving on the Advisory Boards for Ayuda Health and ParentFile. In addition, he is on the Consultant Advisory Council for iMethods, a staffing and healthcare consulting firm.

He also is enjoying life outside of pharmacy. “I enjoy working out, golf and disc golf, and I love visiting my three grandchildren in West Hartford, CT and Tallahassee, FL. Finally, my wife, Kaye, and I enjoy traveling tremendously. Go Dawgs!”

Lamar Pritchard

Lamar PritchardDean Kelly Smith enjoyed connecting with Dr. Lamar Pritchard, BS Pharm ’84, PhD ’93, Dean of the University of Houston College of Pharmacy, at the recent National Association of Chain Drug Stores Annual Meeting in Palm Beach, FL.

Chuck Page

Chuck PageChuck Page, BS Pharm ‘86, currently is serving as President of the Georgia Board of Pharmacy. He is the Health and Wellness Leader for Kroger Health.

Andre Mackey

Andre MackeyAndre Mackey, BS Pharm ’88, recently retired as a pharmacist with CVS Health and looks forward to spending more time with his family and traveling.

Stephen Cutler

Stephen CutlerStephen Cutler, PhD ‘89, has been named the new Vice President for Economic Development by the University of South Carolina Board of Trustees.

Lari Cavallari

Larisa CavallariDr. Lari Cavallari, BS Pharm ‘91, PharmD ‘97, was named the 2024 recipient of the Malle Jurima-Romet Mid-Career Leadership Award from the American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics.

Charles N. Dooley

Charles DooleyCharles N. Dooley, BS Pharm ‘92, currently is a proud member of the American Pharmacists Association and has been for several years. “APhA promotes the practice of Pharmacy, along with training and certifications,” said Dooley.

Trisha Owen

Trisha OwenTrisha Owen, PharmD ‘00, has been working as a part-time pharmacist with CVS and as a model and actress for the past five years, with voiceovers, speaking roles in movies, commercials, and spokesperson work for Fresenius Kabi.

Jason Pattillo

Jason PattilloJason Pattillo, BS Pharm ’00, attended the PCOM Dinner with a Pharmacist event in Duluth recently. He’s pictured here with PCOM student and ASHP Pharmacy Student Chair-Elect Charbel Aoun.

Michael Azzolin

Michael AzzolinMichael Azzolin, PharmD ‘02, accepted Modern Healthcare’s Best Places to Work in Healthcare award for PharmD on Demand for the second year in a row. In addition, both Azzolin and Lori McGinley, PharmD ‘02, participated in HomeTown Health’s Rural Hospital Leadership Day at the Georgia State Capitol.

Brooke Bernhardt

Brooke BernhardtBrooke Bernhardt, PharmD ‘03, joined St Jude Children’s Research Hospital last year as the Chief Pharmaceutical Officer, Vice Chair of Pharmaceutical Service, and Associate Member after 18 years of service at Texas Children’s Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine.

Judd Pierce, William Huang, Stephen Ansel, & Ransom Jones

Judd Pierce William Huang Stephen Ansel Ransom Jones

Judd Pierce, PharmD ‘03, William Huang, PharmD ‘04, Stephen Ansel, PharmD ‘23, and Ransom Jones, BSPS ‘22, MS Pharmacy ‘23, recently served on an alumni panel at the College of Pharmacy’s Open House for prospective students.

Dorothy Pang

Dorothy PangDorothy Pang, PharmD ‘05, is excited to foster an environment of welcomeness and inclusivity as a Clinical Pharmacist II for Emory Saint Joseph’s Hospital of Atlanta. She remarked, “As DEIB (diversity, equity, inclusivity, and belonging) council co-chair for my hospital, I made our first Lunar New Year celebration the hospital has ever had possible! Our council has had a lot of firsts in creating an environment of belonging for all of our employees this past year.”

Pamela Moye

Pamela MoyePamela Moye, PharmD ‘05, is preparing for her new position as the Interim Dean for Mercer University College of Pharmacy beginning August 1st.

Christy Norman

Christy NormanChristy Norman, PharmD ‘06, started a new position as Senior Vice President for Pharmacy Services at Emory Healthcare.

Heather Mendenhall

Heather MendenhallHeather Mendenhall, PharmD ‘06, started a new position as a Compounding Pharmacist at Gwinnett Drugs.

Marinda Thomas-LePage

Marinda Thomas LePageMarinda Thomas-LePage, PharmD ‘07, has been working as a Public Health Service clinical pharmacist for the Federal Bureau of Prisons for 10 years in Butner, NC. She specializes in anticoagulation, HIV, hepatitis, and antimicrobial stewardship, and she received board certification as an infectious disease pharmacist in spring 2023. She is an HIV pharmacist consultant and an antimicrobial stewardship consultant for the Bureau of Prisons nationally. She also is actively involved in the national Bureau of Prisons Pharmacy and Therapeutics advisory group.

Mike Crooks

Mike CrooksMike Crooks, PharmD ‘08, spoke with Industry Pharmacists Organization students at organization hour on March 12. Thank you for your insight, Mike!

Daniel Malcom

Daniel MalcomDaniel Malcom, PharmD ‘08, is a new Professor and Chair of the Department of Pharmacy Practice in the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences at Sullivan University.

Brian Ferslew

Brian FerslewBrian Ferslew, PharmD ‘09, currently is the Associate Editor for ASCPT Journal, the Clinical and Translational Sciences Director on the IQ Consortium Board of Directors, a member of the IQ Consortium Clinical Pharmacology Leadership Group, and a preceptor for industry-elective APPE students from UGA.

Anthony Scott

Anthony ScottAnthony Scott, PharmD ‘10, is a 2024 Fellow of American Society of Health-System Pharmacists in recognition of his professional accomplishments and practice leadership.

Ansley Booker

Ansley BookerAnsley Booker, MS Pharmacy ‘13 PhD, has an announcement to all fellow alumni. “The Leadership Georgia Board of Trustees is pleased to announce the participants selected for the Leadership Georgia Class of 2024. Please join us in welcoming these 63 Georgians who are doing incredible work throughout each corner of our state. Leadership Georgia stands apart as one of the nation’s oldest and most successful leadership-training programs for young business, civic, and community leaders with the desire and potential to work together for a better Georgia.”

Carlie Traylor

Carlie TraylorCarlie Traylor, PharmD ‘14, recently accepted a job with McKesson‘s Office of Health Mart division.

Tanzir Mortuza

Tanzir MortuzaTanzir Mortuza, PhD ’18, is the new Associate Director of Regulatory Affairs for BeiGene.

Tosin Adelakun

Tosin AdelakunTosin Adelakun, PharmD ‘19, is now the Director of Regulatory Affairs at Nephron Pharmaceuticals. He currently sits on the executive board for two non-profit community organizations and is looking forward to graduating from the Darla Moore School of Business a year earlier than expected, with an MBA specializing in international business, this May.

His proudest achievement is “…being a father to a beautiful 8-month-old daughter.”

Yancey Murray Aluisio

Yancey Murray AlusioYancey Murray Aluisio, PharmD ’21, recently served as the lead author of the article “Impact of a Pediatric Emergency Medicine Pharmacist, Institutional Guideline, and Electronic Order Set on Empiric Antimicrobial Use for Febrile Neutropenia.” Dr. Murray Aluisio, now at Emory University Hospital as a Hematology/Oncology Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, worked on this PGY1 Pharmacy Residency research project in collaboration with preceptors Drs. Alicia Sanchez, Kelley Norris, and Chris Campbell.

Arvin Salmasi

Arvin SalmasiArvin Salmasi, PharmD ‘21, has accepted a position as a Pharmaceutical Sales Specialist at AstraZeneca.

Emily Plauche

Emily PlaucheEmily Plauche, PharmD ‘21, currently is a member of the Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists (SIDP) Breakpoints Podcast Committee. She edited the Spotify episode on metalo-beta-lactamases released February 2, 2024.

David Perez

David PerezDavid Perez, PharmD ‘22, has accepted a position after residency as a Clinical Pharmacy Informatics Specialist at MD Anderson in Houston, TX.  “I plan to complete my PGY2 Pharmacy Informatics residency in June of this year,” said Dr. Perez.

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