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Vehicle Reservations



The College of Pharmacy has made the following vehicles available for official use to faculty, staff and authorized students:

  • Vehicle #94529–Chevy Malibu Sedan (Albany)–Please contact the Albany office at 229-312-2151 for reservations.
  • Vehicle #95649–Ford Focus Sedan (Athens–for Development & Alumni Relations use only)
  • Vehicle #95650–Ford Focus Sedan (Augusta)–Please contact Kathi Hardwick at 706-721-4915 or e-mail [email protected] for reservations.
  • Vehicle #95520–Kia Sedona (Athens)

1. College of Pharmacy vehicles are available for official use by faculty and staff. Students may use the vehicle based on prior authorization by a responsible faculty or staff member. However, a student is not authorized to put fuel in the vehicle.

2. Drivers must have a valid Georgia driver’s license and are responsible for conforming to all applicable traffic laws, parking regulations, and all state/University policies regarding use and operation of state vehicles.

3. UGA policy does not allow an employee to take a state vehicle home or to have family members ride along without the Dean’s approval.

4. Each vehicle has a Fuel Card in the glove compartment. For the Fuel Card to work it must be used along with your 6-digit pin on your UGA Card (6 digits in between 810 and the last digit). If the Fuel Card does not work for some reason on your trip, you may use your own credit card and get reimbursed through a check request (you will need your receipt).

5. When you drive the state vehicle (in-state or out-of-state) during an overnight stay, please reserve the vehicle as usual. The Office of Business Affairs will make a determination based on availability to allow you to use state vehicle or not. You will receive an e-mail confirmation. The only exception is leaving the state vehicle at the airport. Please do not leave state vehicles at airports. This will allow the vehicle to be available to others.

6. The vehicle reservation system will automatically send out e-mail notification whether a vehicle reservation is confirmed or not. Please attach a copy of the email notification to your Travel Expense statement if the vehicle was not available. This will assist the Office of Business Affairs staff to make a decision regarding your travel reimbursement request.

7. The keys can be picked up the day before, if you plan to leave early in the morning, or on the day you plan to travel. When you return, please make sure the keys are returned to the Office of Business Affairs right away. The Office of Business Affairs must know where you have parked the vehicle since someone else may be in line for use of this vehicle. After normal work hours keys may be placed in the drop box outside the Office of Business Affairs.

8. When returning the vehicle please keep the following in mind:

a. Keys must be turned into the Office of Business Affairs immediately upon return.

b. Keys may be placed in the drop box after business hours along with a note that indicates where the vehicle is parked.

c. In case the gas tank is below the ¼ mark please use VTM – Fuel depot on River Road to gas up using the gas card in the glove compartment of the vehicle. The VTM Fuel Depot is open 7:00 am to 11:00 pm, Monday thru Friday. Your UGA Card will be needed.

d. Please remove all personal belongings when the vehicle is returned. The interior must be in clean condition so that it can be available to others for use.

9. On the use of personal vehicles by employees for UGA business the UGA travel policy indicates “If a government-owned vehicle is available, and its use is determined to be the most advantageous to the state, or if it is determined that a rental vehicle is the recommended mode of travel, but a personal motor vehicle is used, the employee will be reimbursed at $0.17 per mile.” Please note that this rate is subject to change based on the State’s directives. See UGA Travel Policy at http://www.policies.uga.edu/FA/nodes/view/456/Travel.

10. If you cancel your reservation for any reason, please let the Office of Business Affairs know immediately by e-mailing Laurie Wallace at [email protected]. This will help ensure that funds relating to your travel are un-encumbered on the Accounting system.

11. For out of state travel, employees will be more than welcome to carpool with the state vehicle when driving to the meeting location. Requests for state vehicles to be left at the airport for a few days will not be entertained.

12. State vehicle use:

a. Each state vehicle is now provided with a vehicle log that must be updated by all users. The log requires the user to indicate date the vehicle is used, business purpose (what did you use it for?) and begin and end odometer. This is an additional procedure that will be required. The Office of Business Affairs will review this on a regular basis. All faculty/ staff/ students must update log each time a trip is undertaken.

b. When an employee uses UGA gas card (stored inside of vehicle glove compartment) along with their UGA card to purchase gasoline, gasoline receipts from these outside sources (other than Vehicle Transportation & Maintenance–VTM) must be obtained and submitted to the Office of Business Affairs for reconciliation after returning from a trip. This, too, is an additional procedure. These receipts will be reconciled on a regular basis.

c. To assist with faculty and staff travel, a Global Positioning System (GPS) is available in the Office of Business Affairs. This may be requested along with the vehicle. It will be available on first-come first-serve basis. Please note that it must be returned with the vehicle keys.

13. In the unfortunate event of an accident, please make sure that an accident report is completed by law enforcement authorities. Please provide the case number to the Business Affairs Office and Ed Stanley.



The College uses Booked for all vehicle reservations. You will be able to make your own vehicle reservations online. Please read the instructions below.

To reserve vehicles or view reservations you will need to create an account on Booked by going to College of Pharmacy Booked.

Step One–Register (create an account)

Go to College of Pharmacy Booked. You will be asked to enter a username and password to use for your new account. Next select your timezone (select North America/New York) and choose the page you want to see first whenever you log on. You can select Bookings (weekly view), MyCalendar (your personal calendar), or the Resource Calendar (College vehicle reservations calendar—monthly view). For your convenience, we suggest using Bookings or the Resource Calendar as your preferred page. After making your initial selection, you can change your home page at any time by going to My Account > Profile.

Step Two–Enter your email preference

Under My Account > Notification Preferences you can choose to receive automatic email notification when your reservation is approved by the Office of Business Affairs. Unless you choose this option, you will need to check the Bookings view (Schedule > Bookings) to see when Business Affairs confirms your choice of vehicle, date and time. We strongly suggest that you select automatic email notification.

Step Three–Create a Reservation

You can make a vehicle reservation using the Resource Calendar (Schedule > Resource Calendar) or Bookings view (Schedule > Bookings). All reservations are pending until confirmed by Business Affairs.

Step Four—Return Keys and Notify Business Office

When you return the keys, be sure to let Business Affairs know where the vehicle is parked. Please email Laurie Wallace at [email protected] or call 706-542-3505 (leave voice message if after normal business hours).

Who do I contact for help with my reservation?

For questions about your reservation or available vehicles, contact Laurie Wallace at [email protected].

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