Interprofessional teams provided patient care for a mock local outbreak of giardiasis during an event held at the College recently. More than 250 students, including P1 pharmacy, AU nursing (CNL), AU nurse practitioners (DNP), UGA field epidemiology, and UGA medical interpretation students, participated in the interprofessional training held Saturday, March 26th.
Students explored each professions’ training and education and identified their patient-care roles on the teams, which provided patient-centered care to standardized patients via telehealth in response to the mock local giardiasis outbreak. This was the first year students taking a UGA medical interpretation course (SPAN 4004S) joined teams as medical interpreters to enhance communication with Hispanic-speaking patients. Students experienced how their professional reporting assists public health officials in conducting an epidemiology investigation to track the disease outbreak and develop interventions to minimize the spread of the disease.