Click to view the brief (1 minute) video above about Pharmaceutical Sciences at UGA. [Watch a longer version on YouTube!]
Program Description
The Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences is an undergraduate degree program that provides students with an understanding of how:
- Drugs are researched and developed
- Pharmaceutical drugs interact with the human body
- Pharmaceutical dosage forms are formulated, manufactured and tested
- Basic sciences play a role in the development of modern therapeutics
The B.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences offers hands-on career development in a classroom environment in which learning is delivered by outstanding faculty and complemented with real-world laboratory experiments. This degree offers students the opportunity to gain valuable experience working in a Good Manufacturing Practices Laboratory while collaborating directly with faculty members on laboratory-centered, independent research projects.
- Guide to Majoring in Pharmaceutical Sciences
- The BS in Pharmaceutical Sciences Course List
- Dual Degrees with Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Being Pre-Med while a Pharmaceutical Sciences Major
Career and Job Outlook for Pharmaceutical Scientists
Graduates of BS Pharmaceutical Sciences program have various job opportunities in Pharmaceutical Industry or continue further for Graduate or Professional Schools.
Program Curriculum
A typical program of study for students in the B.S. program is available for viewing here.
A list of the upper division courses required for completion of the degree is available for viewing here. A list of major electives is available for viewing here.
A detailed comparison of the BSPS (Pharmaceutical Scientist) and the PharmD (Pharmacist) degree programs is available for viewing here.
To add the major:
- Log into Athena
- Select Student
- Select “My Programs”
- Select “Add Major”
- Select Pharmaceutical Sciences from the dropdown menu.
- Select “Next”, and then “Confirm”. (Note: Your new major may not immediately be shown under My Majors. If it does not appear after 14 days, contact the program’s undergraduate advisor, Leslie Standridge at [email protected].)
Bachelor’s Degree Requirements
In order to achieve a B.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences, students must complete all BIOL, CHEM, ENGL, MATH, and PHYS courses as well as all PMCY courses with a grade of C or higher. A maximum of 1 course with a grade of C- or D in BIOL, CHEM, ENGL, MATH, PHYS, and PMCY prefix courses may be used to satisfy graduation requirements. Students must also complete all other undergraduate degree requirements as mandated by the University.
Minor — Pharmaceutical Sciences
A Minor in Pharmaceutical Sciences requires nine (9) hours of upper division course work and six (6) hours of major electives. For a list of these courses please see Minor Requirements. All chosen courses must be completed with a grade of C or higher before the minor can be conferred.
Additional Program Information
- Official UGA Bulletin Entry for Pharmaceutical Sciences – B.S.
- PBS Undergraduate Research Central
- Experiential Learning Opportunities
- Scholarship & Employment Opportunities
- Current BS/MS Student Directory
- BS/MS Dual Degree Program
- BS+STEM MBA Degree
Contact Us
Gurvinder Singh Rekhi, Ph.D.
Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences
Academic Professional Director, BSPS Program
R.C. Wilson Pharmacy Bldg, Rm 420
Office Phone: 706-542-5343
[email protected]
Leslie B. Standridge
Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences
Undergraduate Advisor
R.C. Wilson Pharmacy Bldg, Rm 402
Office Phone: 706-542-9755
[email protected]