On October 15-18, PharmDawgs made an appearance at the 2022 American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) Global Conference on clinical pharmacy in San Francisco, California. While there, many of our students and faculty received awards and honors for their research and excellence.
We had multiple students present research, who are all listed below.
- Daniel Rogers (P4), Mentor: Daniel Chastain. Impact of Substance Use Disorders on Outcomes of Persons Receiving Multiweek Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy.
- Dayana Pimentel-Dominguez (P3), Sharmon Osae, Johnson B, Lavender D, Phillips BB, Palmer R, Young H, Stone RH. Impact of PYG2 Residency Training on Pharmacist-Led Collaborative Drug Therapy Modification (CDTM) Implementation in Georgia.
- Dayana Pimentel-Dominguez (P3), Mentor: Rebecca Stone, presented UGA-AC2s research, Identifying Facilitators, Barriers, and Perceptions of Pharmacist-Led Collaborative Drug Therapy Modification (CDTM) Implementation in Georgia.
- Diana Dang (P4) and Mark Molinaro (P4), Mentors: Susan Smith, Trisha Branan. Effectiveness of Sedation Practices in Pharmacologically Paralyzed Patients: A Retrospective Study.
- Kaitlin Blotske (P4) and Stephen Wu (P4), Relationship to Medication Regimen Complexity to Medication Errors in Critically Ill Patients.
- Logan Smith (P4), Mentors/Co-authors: Anthony Hawkins, Andrea Sikora, Susan Smith. Relationship Between Medication Regimen Complexity and Number of Pharmacist-Driven Fluid Stewardship Recommendations.
- Logan Smith (P4), Mentor: Linda Logan, Co-authors Michaelyn Moretz (P3), Justin Petway ‘21, Andrew Darley. Evaluation of Mental Health First Aid in a Cohort of Pharmacy Students, Alumni, Faculty, and Staff to Assess its Impact on Stigma and Attitudes Toward Mental Health.
- Megha D Patel (P4), Lara Lindsay (P4), Rebecca H Stone. Pharmacist Prescribed Hormonal Contraception: Georgia Community Pharmacist Perceptions in Metropolitan versus Nonmetropolitan Counties.
- Monica Acharya (P4), Ann Irvin (P3), Rebecca H Stone. Temporal Access to Contraceptive Prescribers in Georgia Safety Net Clinics: An Argument for Pharmacist Prescribed Hormonal Contraception.
- Natt Patimavirujh (P4), Mentor: Chris Bland, Co-authors: Susan Smith, Bruce Jones. Evaluation of Dalbavancin at Discharge for Substance Abuse Patients with Acute Bacterial Skin and Skin Structure Infections.
- Shelby Webb (P4), Kelsea Mabie (P4), Rebecca H. Stone. Does Availability of Obstetric Care Affect Patient Support of Community Pharmacist Provided Maternal Health Services?
From these research presentations, Monica Achraya and Megha Patel received the Women’s Health PRN Travel Award, where they will both be invited to present their research poster at the PRN meeting.
Additionally, Diana Dang and Kaitlin Blotske both received Critical Care PRN Student Travel Awards. They received $1000 each to support their travel to the meeting and were recognized at the Critical Care PRN Business Meeting.
Additional Awards and Accolades:
- Andrea Sikora received the Critical Care PRN Publication of the Year Award.
- Edith Ford (P4) was named a finalist in the Best Student Research Awards.
- Natt Patimavirujh (P4), Mentor: Chris Bland, received the Infectious Diseases PRN Student Travel Award.
- Rebecca Stone was invited to serve on the ACCP Publications Committee to help continuously update the “ACCP Didactic Toolkit.”
- Sharmon P. Osae inducted as Secretary/Treasurer of the Health Equity PRN for the 2022- 2023 year.
- Sharmon P. Osae was selected as part of the inaugural cohort of the ACCP Professional Leadership Program.
- Susan Smith was recognized at the Critical Care PRN Business Meeting for her role as Secretary/Treasurer of the PRN over the past year and was inducted as the Critical Care PRN Chair-Elect for the 2022-23 year.
P4 student Ford’s finalist award carries great significance in the PharmDawg community. UGA has had student finalists for the Best Student Research Award for the past three of four years.
Featured Speakers and Presenters:
- Andrea Sikora was a featured speaker at the Critical Care Focus Session. Her talk was titled “Critical Care Pharmacy Practice Models of the Future.”
- Anthony Hawkins presented at the Critical Care PRN business meeting as the incoming chair of the Trainee Engagement Committee. Hawkins also facilitated the Critical Care/Emergency Medicine roundtable for student programming.
- Sharmon P. Osae was a featured speaker within the MeRIT Platform Presentations. Her talk was entitled “Evaluation of quality measure attainment with pharmacist-delivered Medicare annual wellness visits.”
- Sharmon P. Osae was also a featured speaker within the Incorporating Inclusive Excellence Principles in Pharmacy Experiential Education presentation. Her talk was entitled “Getting Uncomfortable: Integrating Health Equity into Experiential Education.”
We are so proud of our students’ and faculty members’ continuous contributions to research and excellence. Way to go, PharmDawgs!