General UGA Resources
Student Affairs
UGA Wellness Resources from Student Affairs
Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS) at the University Health Center is all telehealth now. Students can schedule a screening appointment to find the right path forward, whether that means brief therapy at CAPS or connecting to a therapist in the community for a longer period of time. If a student is interested in finding a therapist or psychiatrist but for one reason or another would prefer not to schedule a screening, consider reviewing the options at or
CAPS is available for teleheath (zoom) —please call 706-542-2273 (M-F 8am-5pm).
After hour mental health crisis at UGA (24/7/365) please call 706-542-2200. CAPS has an after-hours crisis line that funnels through UGA PD. Students may ask to speak with a CAPS clinician if they are feeling at risk to self.
Students who want to see what psychotherapy is like but don’t actually want to see a therapist now have access to TAO (Therapy Assisted Online) TAO includes over 150 brief, effective, educational sessions covering over 50 common topics and skills related to mental health, wellness, and substance use issues. TAO Includes interactive sessions, mindfulness exercises and practice tools all aimed at helping you achieve your goals. Take some time to browse what they offer; you will find some really useful modules (cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety, acceptance and commitment therapy in the time of COVID, etc.) to look at, use, review and learn at your own pace.
RSVP (Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention
RSVP (24-hour) support continues to be available – 706-542-SAFE
Student Care and Outreach
Student Care and Outreach homebase for resources on campus, a place to get extra support, and where to report a student of concern 706-542-7774.
Health Promotion
Health Promotion is offering Wellness Coaching via zoom—please call 706-542-8690 to speak to someone (M-F 8am-5pm). Zoom consultation services available: 706-542-8690 (M-F 8am-5pm) Health promotion also has multiple FREE meditation, nutrition, yoga, and fun events through the week for UGA students.
How to Manage Stress in a Difficult Time
Download this guide by Dr. Ellen House, board-certified child, adolescent, and adult psychiatrist at Counseling and Psychiatric Services, UGA University Health Center, and assistant professor at the AU/UGA Medical Partnership.
Coronavirus Anxiety Workbook
Download from The Wellness Society (available in English, Spanish and other languages)
If you are struggling with insomnia check out Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I). The VA has a wonderful (and free!) app for people working on getting a better night’s sleep and a separate website to walk them through sleep hygiene, keeping a sleep diary, and other basics to get their sleep back on track.
National Hotlines and Resources
National Suicide Hotlines 1 (800) 273 8255
Crisis Text Line – text CONNECT to 741741
National Substance Abuse Helpline 1 (800) 662 HELP (4357)
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) 1 (800) 950 NAMI (6264)
National Domestic Violence Hotline 1 (800) 799 7233
Disaster Distress Helpline 1 (800) 985 5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746
Greater Good – Positive Psychology The Greater Good Science Center studies the psychology, sociology, and neuroscience of well-being and teaches skills that foster a thriving, resilient, and compassionate society.
Massachusetts General — The Department of Psychiatry has put together a curated set of resources with a particular emphasis on materials that will be of use to providers and those they serve.
Half of Us Initiates a public dialogue to raise awareness about the prevalence of mental health issues and connect students to the appropriate resources to get help.
https://www.jedfoundation.orgThe Jed Foundation (JED) empowers teens and young adults with the skills and support to grow into healthy, thriving adults. Dedicated to the prevention of the “Silent Epidemic” of youth suicide through educational and awareness programs that equip young people, educators/youth workers and parents with the tools and resources to help identify and assist at-risk youth.
To Write Love On Her Arms Write Love On Her Arms is a non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury, and suicide. TWLOHA exists to encourage, inform, inspire, and also to invest directly into treatment and recovery.
Support Group Virtual Resources
Alcoholics Anonymous Virtual Meeting Information
Regularly updated information on support through Alcoholics Anonymous.
Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA)/Dysfunctional Families Virtual Meetings
Information on online and telephone meeting options.
Narcotics Anonymous Meeting Search
Information on meeting options.
Cocaine Anonymous Online Meetings
Information for finding online meetings.
Co-Dependents Anonymous Meetings
Information for finding online and telephone meetings
Helpful Mental Health Apps
Headspace –
CBTi Coach (free, for insomnia)
10% Happier
Insight timer
Take a Break
Mood Tools
Stop, Breathe, & Think
Smiling Mind
Virtual Hope Box
College of Pharmacy Resources
College of Pharmacy Wellness Resources
Contact: Dr. Vivia Hill-Silcott, Director of Diversity Programs and Academic Support, [email protected], 706-542-6466
Students learn how to identify triggers that causes stress and anxiety and ways to manage the symptoms. In groups and in individual sessions, techniques and skills are developed to improve self-care and wellbeing. All students are able to join virtual and in-person sessions. Individual appointments and group sessions are offered regularly throughout the semester for:
- Mindfulness Monday – Meditation, Mindfulness Walks
- Bereavement Support Group – Assist students understand and move in the grief process
- Stress, depression, and anxiety sessions in small groups and individual appointments
- Academic and personal schedule management – tips and strategies for academic success
Financial Literacy and Counseling
Contact: Molly Sutz, financial planner/graduate assistant, [email protected]; Dr. Duc Do, Assistant Dean for Student Affairs, 706-542-7287, [email protected]
The College of Pharmacy has created a partnership with the College of Family & Consumer Sciences to offer financial literacy education and counseling to pharmacy students. Pharmacy students can schedule one-on-one appointments with the financial planner.
Pharmacy Student Emergency Fund
Contact: Gloria Strait, Scholarships & Special Events Professional, 706-542-8166, [email protected],
The Pharmacy Student Emergency Fund is available to provide limited, one-time financial assistance to enrolled pharmacy students who are unable to meet immediate, essential expenses because of temporary hardship related to an emergency situation.
Career Resources and Counseling
Contact: Dr. Danielle Vitale, Director of Recruitment and Career Development, 706-542-5150, [email protected],
Contact Us
Feedback? Contact Mickey Montevideo, Senior Director of Public Relations, Communications and Marketing at [email protected] with comments and suggestions for this page.