Leading with Purpose: DSAC’s Vision for Inclusive Excellence

By Catherine Lazenby

Within the UGA College of Pharmacy, there is a dedicated community of student leaders joined under the banner of the Dean’s Student Advisory Council (DSAC). As the governing body of approved student organizations within the College of Pharmacy, DSAC assures that unity and cooperation are at the forefront of their endeavors. Through their collaborative efforts, DSAC creates a vibrant community in which students from all walks of life can find their place at the college. 

The council is guided by its overarching mission to serve as a liaison between the diverse extracurricular interests of the student body and the faculty, staff, and surrounding UGA community. Currently, DSAC is composed of leaders from 22 student organizations boasting a variety of student interests, including the recently founded Asian Pharmacist Student Organization. Each organization is served, on average, by two faculty advisors from the college.

DSAC takes pride in keeping students and faculty updated with the latest organization events, meetings, and fundraising opportunities on a weekly basis. Trey Fulford, a P3 from Valdosta, Ga., who serves as the current chair of DSAC, shared insight into how the organization works to engage students. “DSAC coordinates with a wide variety of student organizations representing a diverse set of interests, including religious affiliations, minority populations, and even specific disease states. By holding collaborative events between these organizations and the surrounding community, DSAC is intent on maintaining the open atmosphere within the College of Pharmacy.”

Fulford’s executive team includes Mark Arthen, a P3 from Kennesaw, who serves as the vice chair, and Tiffany Long, a P3 from Jonesboro, who is DSAC’s secretary.  

Additionally, the leaders of DSAC play a crucial role in bridging the gap between the diverse interests of the student body and the academic community. One of DSAC’s primary objectives this year is to serve as a resource for the Dean and other key leaders to enhance the College of Pharmacy’s programs and the pharmacy profession as a whole. In addition, the organization will act as a mediator of disputes and address conflicts between DSAC organizations and external entities with a focus on resolution and understanding.

By bridging the gap between students and faculty, embracing diversity, and fostering a sense of belonging, DSAC continues to be a driving force in the College of Pharmacy, empowering PharmDawgs to thrive and make a lasting impact on their academic and professional journey.

“We are excited to continue the professional and interactive role of DSAC this year and foster developing relationships between student leaders and members of the PharmDawg community,” Fulford added.  

From left to right: Mark Arthen, Trey Fulford, and Tiffany Long

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