Kevin Hatcher, PharmD ‘11, is a Market Health & Wellness Director for Walmart, based in East Tennessee. As a current mentor for the UGA Mentor Program, Hatcher shared his experience and advice for students and mentors alike.
Hatcher said that originally he was inspired to become a UGA Mentor because critical mentorship is a part of the culture at Walmart. From pharmacy interns to managers as mentees, he learned to guide young adults, and then utilized the UGA Mentorship Program to “…broaden that outreach to include undergraduate students who have much more open career paths.”
During his connections, Hatcher said that his most significant takeaway from being a mentor was how talent identification can occur even in a mentee’s freshman year. “My mentee is punctual, communicative, appreciative, and incredibly bright, and it gives me great pride to see such amazing people graduating from UGA and excelling.”
Through their mentorship, Hatcher’s mentee has explored career options and prepared for job interviews while building a personal, professional relationship. Hatcher encourages both mentors and mentees to join the program, as he believes there are impactful benefits on both sides.
“No one got where they are without mentorship,” he added. “We have to take every opportunity to give back and guide others. Mentorship costs nothing and is an incredible way to support our future alumni.”
You can become a mentor and make an impact on the success of students at the University of Georgia College of Pharmacy. The College is collaborating with the UGA Mentor Program to form connections between alumni and students in a 16-week program. Throughout this time, you meet with your mentee for one-to-two hours per month, either online or in-person. By guiding and inspiring the academic and professional goals of current students, you can give back to the PharmDawg community. Click here to sign up. Connect with a PharmDawg today!